New one. Blogs get lost in the shuffle.
New one. Blogs get lost in the shuffle.
The battery life does seem better. I like the swipe in from right to open a second app but not all the apps are available. I haven't really noticed a lot of other stuff. I don't use the iCloud piece.
The only Dan Fogelberg album I own is Twin Sons of Different Mothers with Tim Weisberg but it's a good one.
Crappy about Vegas Chris. I got on iOS 9 during the beta and now I'm at 9.1. I understand that going back to the released version could pooch all my stuff so I'm staying on 9.1.
You need some God Speed You Black Emperor and Sigur Rós too.
I don't think Mogwai and Explosions in the Sky is an either or choice. The correct answer is both. :P
Great stuff once again Blake. Chelsea Wolfe was creepy and kind of made me think of The Golden Palominos Dead Inside album (but only for the creep factor) That album is frikkin' dark.
Weird that you were unable to boot from your SSD. Hope you get it working.
I now have tons of digital games but mostly games that were on sale or not available as physical. My problems with digital are the long download times, huge file sizes for some games when I only get 100 GB a month and the fact that if I lose my PS3 for example I have to download the games again. Plus digital games are useless once you've finished them. Can't resell data.
You've got to stop damaging yourself Tami. I love the pictures though. Frogs and toads are cool.