As far as PS4 games, I would actually recommend FFXV. I know you're not into Final Fantasy like you are Dragon Quest, but I really enjoy it, I think there's a demo out there so you can try before you buy. Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is another one I love, but I don't know if you played it on the PS3. They did upgrade it to 60 FPS on PS4 and it comes with all DLC included on the disc, so there's that. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is one you might enjoy if you haven't played it on PS2. One under the radar title I enjoyed last year was Nights of Azure. This year I'm looking forward to games like Akiba's Beat, Persona 5, Yakuza 0, and Valkyria Revolution. And Ni no Kuni 2, if it releases this year.