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Super Step's Comments - Page 1385


Posted on 04/08/2013 at 05:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The Volbeat made me tear up, and I haven't been to war and back, so definitely no judgment here!

Escape the Fate had kind of an A7X vibe to it that I liked; I liked their old singer too, I forget what band he moved on to, I just remember I liked whatever song of that band's it was we had in the station.

Great picks today! I'm liking the melodic choices. Like Yargz, I've been listening to rap more often lately (mostly Macklemore and Immortal Technique) but metal never dies. m/

Armadillo Sighting & Gaming Favorites

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 04:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, a lot of my favorites aren't the same as a lot of people's, but there tends to be respect for them at least.

Armadillo Sighting & Gaming Favorites

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 04:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think Fusion is actually my favorite Metroid. I know what you mean about the SNES, I was only four to six years old when I played it, but man did it have great games.

Armadillo Sighting & Gaming Favorites

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 04:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I had what leprosy was absolutely pounded into my head in Catholic school, so I too would have chucked the armadillo. lol

Croft and Snake are great choices, though I've never played a Tomb Raider game, just remember I saw the Angelina Jolie flick. I think I liked it, but I was a lot younger.

Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 04:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ok, I think I got it.

Super Mario World, because I have fond memories of it, but was never able to get that far. I'd love to start and finish it.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, because I really didn't appreciate the series as a kid, but looking back, I really wish I had been able to play through it.

Finally, Rise of the Robots, because as a kid, I never realized how much the gameplay sucked, I just thought it looked amazing, and I want that feeling back dammit. lol

Armadillo Sighting & Gaming Favorites

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 03:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

SNES has a lot of nostalgic value for me as well, I can definitely understand why it's so many people's favorites.

I am not an RPG fan, so I don't know that I'd like Legaia. Thanks for the recommendation, though! Sounds like a cool, obscure game.

I had to think about Sly Cooper, don't worry. Honestly, I may have jumped the gun with that, but oh well. lol

I'm still thinking about those 3 games you asked me about in my other blog, by the way.

Character Builds!

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 03:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This reminds me, I need to get back to reading Catching Fire. I think the bow-build/Katniss thing is a good idea.

Microsoft and Apple, What a Bunch of Bastards!

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 03:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think Orth's dumbass tweets about how somehow vacuum cleaners and cell phones equate with an always-online console are another thing that'll drive me away from XBOX going forward.

I dunno about Orth, but we just bought a new vacuum. It doesn't have to buffer before it does its job.

Moving Pains

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 01:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs


Moving Pains

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 01:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well, I didn't find any embarassing stuff of my brother's, so we're clear there. lol

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