Strategy really is a good fit for Star Trek.
Strategy really is a good fit for Star Trek.
You mentioned in here you like music, any favorite bands/songs?
Also, you live in NY now, right? Have you been to Grimaldi's, and if so how is it? One here in Dallas is AMAZING, but the NY one is famous, and was #2 on some Travel Channel thing for Italian food I was watching the other day, Chowdon Countdown or some such. If you haven't gone, you should.
Finally, I've been thinking of starting a blog with adsense elsewhere. How many clicks does it take for the advertiser to start mailing haypennys in check form to my address?
Actually, P.S., between your day job and the awesome job you do here, as well as having a family, when do you sleep, and is it through cryogenesis? If so, what brand of freezer do you use? I hear GE likes the future, so I'd guess them, but I want an expert opinion.
Damn, that stinks. Still got some cool games now, though.
Ah, I see. I had a class with a lot of theater students my senior year of college. Cool people.
Yup, which is why I refuse to close this Word doc I had open with the resume I was tweaking today. Blogging in there from now on. lol
I think I actually got a bunch of messages that you posted a new blog when that happened... they all had the same title. lol
I usually do the highlight and copy thing myself, but not this time.
As for the Norse god, Wiki says it's Tyr, god of single combat; has something to do with Mars. Also, I guess there's Ruby Tuesday, but I've never eaten there.
I guess since I have Word open from working on my resume, I'll just leave it open, so it doesn't take so ungodly long to boot up. I lost a lot of 1up blogs, too.
I've always considered that, it's just really inconvenient on my old computers that take forever to boot up Word.
I also use Firefox; not sure what's up.
I actually do work in the entertainment industry as a Production Assistant. Tuesday is still meaningless to me where I work. lol