I am wondering the same. Seems like an awesome deal, motion controls sound iffy though
I am wondering the same. Seems like an awesome deal, motion controls sound iffy though
Definitely the game I am waiting for the most in 2015. I am a huge Metal Gear fan though, the first Metal Gear Solid (PS1) is my favorite game of all time. The thing with MGSV: The Phantom Pain though is that it is the best playing Metal Gear game in the series I believe based on my time on Ground Zeroes. I love the dark tone that the series seems to be going in, it's refreshing. While being dark, MGS still manages to be light hearted with the side content. Cannot wait to play!
Unfortunately, I didn't share the same fondness for Wolfenstein: The New Order. I played through about half of it I think and finally just sold it because I wasn't enjoying it at all. Different taste I guess. It didn't grab me at all, the story was just ridiculous to me and the shooting was just ok.
Nice, the Wii U is a fun console. Have been playing Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros with friends. They're more obessed than the game than I am, always wanting me to bring my console over, lol.
I played the hell out of Warzone 2100 back in the PSX days, I loved it. It was the first game I had ever played like that since I did not ever own a PC to game on ever. I never beat it but I was really close.
I know there is online multiplayer, but I probably won't touch it, lol. It's supremely frustrating to play fighting games online.
I will wiki the general premise of the series, but through listening to podcasts it seems there are a good number of people playing Inquisiton and it being the first game in the series for them.
I am used to the QTEs, they don't bother me. I have always played the GOW games for the story and the gameplay is usually pretty good as well. Good to hear it's not that long, I am have been trying to chip away at the backlog which is still pretty ridiculous.
Great, I look forward to reading it. Shadow of Mordor was just so awesome, I never felt like it was a chore to play and enoyed all the missions, even the survivalist ones.
Bayonetta 2 and Dragon Age: Inquistion are both bound to be great games, I haven't got the chance to play them yet though, I am sure they would have made the list. Wii U is great for the first party games, that's all I bought it for.