Tearaway has been extremely engaging and fun. I never really was pulled into LittleBigPlanet but Tearaway shows me that media molecule is extremely talented. I am actually looking forward to whatever they work on next.
Tearaway has been extremely engaging and fun. I never really was pulled into LittleBigPlanet but Tearaway shows me that media molecule is extremely talented. I am actually looking forward to whatever they work on next.
Unless I am mistaken, Fixed Gear from Lakefront is a red ale and it is damn tasty. It was a little hoppier than I expected the first time I had it, but damn good.
The 3DS was one of my best purchases this year. A Link Between Worlds and Fire Emblem Awakening were worth the price of admission. I am also crossing my fingers that the next Metroid will be on the 3DS.
I hope you can get it up and running because it is a great game.
I still enjoyed Blackgate. I know that there were problems with it, but they did enough good in my eyes to overlook some of them.
I agree, A Link Between Worlds was a little on the easier side. The one nice thing is that they did include the Hero Mode... enemies deal 4 times the damage as normal. Or something like that.
As far as Fire Emblem... I agree about both the large selection of party members and items that deteriorate. The nice thing is that you know exactly how many turns you have left with each item. I just made sure that I had at least one extra of that weapon in my characters inventory just in case.
I have worked my way through at least half of Ghost's campaign. I have no idea what is going on, but have enjoyed myself so far. that is probably because the last call of duty campaign that I finished was CoD 2.
Bad Company 2 was the last Battlefield I played, and have been itching to get back into that series.
I still want to play Killzone and actually expect myself to enjoy that one the best of the launch shooters.
Destiny is the one game that I cannot wait for, I am happy to have a Bungie game on the PS4. Especially since Halo is my preferred online shooter.
I guess what I was trying to say is that graphics are not what sells a game for me. I do want to play Killzone: Shadows Fall. I know that it is supposed to have amazing graphics, but that is not why I would want to play it.
I would definitely have to sit down and think about it, but I know that A Link to the Past and either Super Metroid or Metroid Fusion would be on my top 10 list. They are games that I come back to on a yearly basis, they must be some of my favourites.
I have not played the game, even though I have had all year to try. I cannot think of any good reason to pick up the PS4 version when I can currently get it on the 360 for $20.