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Super Step's Comments - Page 1414

Retro Rampage: New Season Coming Soon!

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 11:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Subscribed on Youtube. Watched first couple minutes of Contra Super C and Donkey Kong, and look forward to your stuff.

What software do you use and/or capture device for the footage? I've been eyeing Dazzle for when I have a new enough PC to do let's plays, but always like to hear second opinions.

I'm on Steam! Finally!

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 11:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Rhodes will never be "old codger" music dammit, and it doesn't matter what Bowling for Soup's "1985" has to say about it, Ozzy, Sabbath, Rhodes, Iommi, Butler, Dio, all will live on a hell of a lot longer than they did! Though no offense to Soup, they're from Dallas, or at least DFW, and I actually grew up with and like their catchy pop punk music. lol Can't go wrong with "Mr. Crowley," and I love those old live videos of Rhodes, holy crap! The "Crazy Train" one is great, too. I wasn't even born until after most of Ozzy and Sabbath's stuff was made, and there's plenty of people in my generation that like it.

Loved the Warlock, and despite hearing of their existence countless times, didn't realize their singer was a knockout blond woman! That just made my day right there. Great song and video, I love rock anthems like that.

Oh, and I only got on Steam this month I believe, and haven't been able to use it much cause of my old computer, and I'm 23, so don't worry, this youngster was late to the party as well! There seem to be limits on who I can add until I actually buy a game, but I'm JimBeamHortonWho on there if you want to try.

Shin Magami Tensei Nocturne [ 4.5 out of 5 ]

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 11:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ah ok, I misremembered; thanks for clarifying!

GLaD 26: Overused Sound Clips in Games + Alternative Tuesday

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 09:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's the way I felt about it when Glee covered Journey, BUT I think by the time I saw Rock of Ages, while I felt like it was awful the first time, it kind of grew on me when my mom wanted to watch it again a few times.

At least I liked the "hit me with your best shot" segment with Zeta-Jones, and Mary J. Blige had a soulful voice as opposed to the generically Glee-like vocals of the rest of the cast. I think it had enough people I like and thought were funny, and reminded me of enough 80s songs I could look up outside the movie, I stopped hating it so much.

Still, we're not on entirely different wavelengths on this; that Glee chorus cover of "Don't Stop Believin'" is a crime against humanity. I liked Blige's take on "Anyway You Want It" though. Might have been the stripper acrobats that sold that one though, not sure..

MIA March Madness: Round 1 [UPDATE: VOTING CLOSED!]

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 07:20 AM | Filed Under Feature

If ED wins, we all agree to call it "ED: Sanity's Requiem" as opposed to its full title for yucks, right?

MIA March Madness: Round 1 [UPDATE: VOTING CLOSED!]

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 07:16 AM | Filed Under Feature

I voted for Viewtiful and Dino Crisis simply because those were the ones I played out of the options, so I know I really like Joe, and remember liking Dino Crisis. Having said that, I was a bit surprised it was beating Darkstalkers, myslf.

Finished Halo: Silentium

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 06:35 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd be a bit miffed if I bought a game whose story was explained elsewhere in parts, but at least it's cool it tied up loose ends, and sounds like a good book.

It's been a while since I've devoured a good book, my reading's been at a snail's pace lately. Going to try and change that soon, though.

Nice review! Even though I don't own the Halos, I am curious about its universe.

PixlBit Changelog - March 26, 2013

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 05:44 AM | Filed Under News

Thanked you towards the end of both my previous blogs, but may as well say it here: thanks for the changes, and what you're planning sounds awesome!

Walk in the RAIN - New game trailer

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Love the music and atmosphere, and doesn't look to be any combat, just hiding and running, so looks interesting, but I wonder if I'll get bored of it too quickly if that ends up being all you do. Still, looks like it has potential, certainly, and like transmet2033, I love rain. 

Nice Blind Melon reference.

Shin Magami Tensei Nocturne [ 4.5 out of 5 ]

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wait, I thought Mothman was telling me this was an action RPG, but this is turn-based? I've misread something, somewhere. lol Is it that the press turns make it a bit more like an action RPG somehow, I wonder? I need to go re-read that exchange.

Anyway, sounds like a cool game, if not necessarily my style (not much of a turn-based gamer).

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