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Super Step's Comments - Page 1414

MIA March Madness: Round 1 [UPDATE: VOTING CLOSED!]

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 07:16 AM | Filed Under Feature

I voted for Viewtiful and Dino Crisis simply because those were the ones I played out of the options, so I know I really like Joe, and remember liking Dino Crisis. Having said that, I was a bit surprised it was beating Darkstalkers, myslf.

Finished Halo: Silentium

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 06:35 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd be a bit miffed if I bought a game whose story was explained elsewhere in parts, but at least it's cool it tied up loose ends, and sounds like a good book.

It's been a while since I've devoured a good book, my reading's been at a snail's pace lately. Going to try and change that soon, though.

Nice review! Even though I don't own the Halos, I am curious about its universe.

PixlBit Changelog - March 26, 2013

Posted on 03/27/2013 at 05:44 AM | Filed Under News

Thanked you towards the end of both my previous blogs, but may as well say it here: thanks for the changes, and what you're planning sounds awesome!

Walk in the RAIN - New game trailer

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Love the music and atmosphere, and doesn't look to be any combat, just hiding and running, so looks interesting, but I wonder if I'll get bored of it too quickly if that ends up being all you do. Still, looks like it has potential, certainly, and like transmet2033, I love rain. 

Nice Blind Melon reference.

Shin Magami Tensei Nocturne [ 4.5 out of 5 ]

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wait, I thought Mothman was telling me this was an action RPG, but this is turn-based? I've misread something, somewhere. lol Is it that the press turns make it a bit more like an action RPG somehow, I wonder? I need to go re-read that exchange.

Anyway, sounds like a cool game, if not necessarily my style (not much of a turn-based gamer).

PS2 Games my pet peave

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I definitely remember when PS2s went flying off shelves too fast for most to get one. That launch was insane. I also remember systems being a lot sturdier; five 360s for the lifespan of one PS2?! That's sad, my Nintendo 64 is still working.

I have a couple used game boxes from Gamestop that either don't have the original cover, or have an art sleeve over the original, but at least they have A box, though I'm not sure about the manual. Those were gifts, so I was happy just to have a box, but I definitely see where you're coming from with wanting manuals and all intact, feels incomplete without 'em.

As for taking your word on game prizes, hey I trust you, I just don't know that I'm gonna win any of your trivia posts! lol

Whoooo Who!Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention is free!

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't play tactical RPGs, nor could I possibly run that game, but here's to free games! That's awesome! Hope you enjoy it.

Latest Humble THQ Bundle features Darksiders II for $7.00!

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's one hell of a bargain, too bad there's no way my 38GB of space left, XP-running Dell D620 laptop could do anything with that without significantly slowing down every few seconds.

Let me know when someone is selling a good, refurbished or new laptop for seven bucks. lol

GLaD 26: Overused Sound Clips in Games + Alternative Tuesday

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Pretty sure everyone feels the same way, more or less.

GLaD 26: Overused Sound Clips in Games + Alternative Tuesday

Posted on 03/26/2013 at 10:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Just woke up and am now driftin back to sleep. It'll work, though, I just have to stay put and away from

Yeah, movies are definitely guilty of this too, it just makes sense from a production standpoint, but it can get more grating in video games because it's being reused constantly in a ten-plus hour span, as opposed to short moments in two-hour movies often spread out years apart.

As for Goldeneye, in that video I linked to, Kirkhope did admit to mostly imitiating the movie's soundtrack, so that doesn't surprise me if the alarm sound was reused. He also said for the tanker level, he mixed a song from Duran Duran's A View to a Kill soundtrack and Faith No More's "We Care A Lot."

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