Nice episode, guys. It was epically long, so I had to finish it this morning after catching about 2/3 of it on Friday.
I'm honestly surprised that David Jaffe isn't a household name for everyone. He has had a pretty big presence in the industry for a while now, with his claim to fame lying in Twisted Metal. His "toy" comment isn't all that surprising if you've encountered some of the stuff he has said in the past. Being such a prominent developer, I really don't like that he does such a poor job of representing the industry.
Jason Hillhouse, one of our contributing writers and good friend of mine, has worked in the industry and he'll be the first to tell you that guys like Jaffe are the norm and not the outliers. This makes it hard for the rest of society to take gaming seriously, which will ultimately hurt it, but it's not 100% clear how just yet. I'm always concerned that the right nut will make a good case to a misinformed judge, and we'll see the government get involved in the industry. Thank god for the ESA and their efforts to self-regulate via the ESRB.
Anyhow, I also noticed that almost everyone has took note that PC predominant genres are mostly on the chopping block. FPS got the axe there, RTS is dying slowly, and I agree with Stanton, MMOs will likely lose significant popularity after WoW falls by the wayside. I think MMOs can always find an audience, but repeating the success of WoW is highly unlikely.
... Now I'm trying to remember what topics I heard in the part I listened to last week...
Oh right, the NGP. That thing is doomed for failure for the same reasons the PSP failed to match up to the DS. The high price and push for all digital like the PSPgo is a mistake too. Sony, how the mighty have fallen.
In any event, I'm looking forward to next week, and with any amount of luck you guys will have a fourth member joining you. Let me just say that I'm super excited that PixlTalk is back in action. A big thanks to all you guys for contributing, and especially to Jason for organizing all of this. Without his push to get it jump started, it wouldn't have happened.