I came here expecting photos of you rubbing an Assassin's Creed 4 CD against your crotch. Instead I got an insightful analysis of the game. Such misleading advertisement,Blake!
I came here expecting photos of you rubbing an Assassin's Creed 4 CD against your crotch. Instead I got an insightful analysis of the game. Such misleading advertisement,Blake!
Goose chaser is a rather epic designation! Geese can be vicious bastards!
I think we're all "privileged" to a degree. I mean if we have the time and means to post meaningless tweets on twitter it means we at least have a computer and electricity.
I don't mind someone telling me "You have 1st world privilege". That's totally true. But when they tell me I have "white cis gendered male privilege"?? I take offense to that. These are people who don't know my income or my life-style telling me that being white and straight should somehow make me feel "guilty" because I apparently have a hassle-free existence. What's next? Do I have to start wearing an armband to get across my "white guilt"?? Hmmm,this reminds me of something that already happened!
Some random twitter person. In V Hale's defense I think she's a satirist. lol. Her other posts seemed rather sane at least.
Bloated turd? Chris, your copy of Disgaea is obviously haunted by troll-ghosts!
Yeah,Christianity is really taking some nasty hits right now,mate. Despite the fact Christian fundamentalists caused me some grief in the past I knew many nice loving Christians too. The kind of harassment they've gotten lately is uncalled for. Our nation was founded under "Freedom of religion" and yes, that means the freedom to be Christian too!
"Shaft,damnnn right!"
I recently got Dracula X Chronicles. Good times! I enjoyed Lords Of Shadow when it first came out too. I know it got a lot of flak for being a "God of war clone" but it did enough differently for me to really get into it. LOS gave me the same nostalgic tingle as Super CV 4 did. I also do not mind the canonical changes. I simply see it as a separate alternate universe.
PS: I owned the Tiger versions of Ninja Gaiden,Simon's Quest,Batman,and Gauntlet. lol. As dated as they were, those portable games saved me from a lot of boredom during long trips!
Get the newest version here,Aaron. In my opinion it's the best. No "random battles" and you can choose to lvl up with fights or by collecting the soulmorphisis cards.
And that's what we are,Chris. "People". I think activism tries to put us all on a pedestal. Heaven forbid we have "flaws" and don't always throw our lot in with any "outraged mob" which happens to feel justified being mad at something.
Working together is great and can benefit positive change. However,we should not sacrifice our individuality thus becoming mindless drones in a bee hive.
It's a term that popped up in the last few years. Boiled down it means I'm straight,male, and white so things like "adversity","bankruptcy","discrmination","homelessness", "threats of violence",and "being trolled" never happen to me! Only I have experienced all those things. If cisgender was "insurance coverage" I'd be asking for my money back.
I'm still hoping V is being sarcastic! Because as "satire" that picture is brilliant!