There is quite a bit more going on in that selection from Romans. If all they pull out of that is that people who are homosexuals must die, then they are idiots.
There is quite a bit more going on in that selection from Romans. If all they pull out of that is that people who are homosexuals must die, then they are idiots.
would they really be french fries if they are from Belgium?
That would be awesome though, in some ways I wish that I had done some sort of foreign exchange stuff in school. When I was last in Europe we spent one day in Belgium in Bruges and I want to go back so badly. It was that awesome.
Belgium has some awesome chocolate and beer. Sadly I never got any chocolate. I was foolish enough to give it away to chocoholics before sneaking a piece.
I had difficulty getting into Terrarria on the PC. I was going to try and give it another go on the Vita. I think that it is the whole mouse and keyboard thing that I am not a big fan of.
It is pretty simple to avoid though. So it is not really a game breaker, just an annoyance. The thing is that you need to follow the Penguin down the elevator. I exited that section of the level to come back to it later because I wanted to finish him off last. When I did come back I was unable to go down the elevator for some stupid reason. So, just go down the elevator and you should be fine.
I bought a couple of my games at full price this year, but those were the handheld games so they were only 40. I waited until Metro dropped to 40 before jumpin on it, and Bioshock came out around my birthday and I had a couple giftcards to use up.
I do my best to focus on one game at a time. Or at least one game per system. I have Call of Duty on my PS4, Toy Story 2 on the Vita and I have been on and off again working through Kid Icarus on the 3DS.
I did use backloggery to try and help me figure out what I finished this year. I just don't keep up with it all that much. Now that I have cleared a lot of games out of my backlog thanks to unplugging my 360 it is a little easier to keep track of what I still need to play. Most of the games are handheld.
I completely agree, Nintendo games tend to be day one purchases. Or at least as soon as I can get them. They stay up there in price for a couple of years, so it makes little difference when you get them.
Blackgate is a respectable length in my eyes. I put a total of 12 hours into it over the course of two playthroughs. I finished 90% of the main storyline before having to give up because of a stupid glitch. I had put 7 hours in at that point. I then restarted and put another 5 hours replaying the game.
I played the Valkyrie Chronicles demo and enjoyed it enough to pick it up. Then I set it down on the shelf and never picked it back up. I am somewhat regretting that right now.