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Super Step's Comments - Page 1435

GLaD 17: Celebrating an Italian on St. Paddy's (Sabbath Sunday+Solar Srtiker)

Posted on 03/18/2013 at 02:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

He was an amzing vocalist, and I actually prefer his work in Sabbath as well. Still love Ozzy, but my friend Austin's always said Ozzy's a "lucky mumbler." I don't quite agree, Ozzy has a unique voice that works really well in the songs he does, it's just not the same power level as Dio's, in my opinion. I do love his music and both the times I've seen him live.

Steve Harris is amazing as well; I'm not at all surprised he's your favorite, I love Maiden's gallop.

As for "Fade to Black," yeah it's depressing, but it lifted my spirits; I always hear that ending solo as a triumphant return to life, even if that's not how they meant it.

GLaD 17: Celebrating an Italian on St. Paddy's (Sabbath Sunday+Solar Srtiker)

Posted on 03/18/2013 at 02:14 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Earlier I saw "Lonely is the Word" from Heaven and Hell, now I'm seeing "Falling Off the Edge of the World," was that an edit or is Youtube doing a weird playlist thing?

And you just made me realize I didn't mention Mob Rules (one of my favorite Sabbath songs, possible albums) in my blog, and the way I typed it made it sound like Dio went straight from Heaven and Hell into forming his own band, also I said "ban" instead of "band" ... that'll teach me to use Wikipedia and rush a blog out before I hit the gym. lol

GLaD 17: Celebrating an Italian on St. Paddy's (Sabbath Sunday+Solar Srtiker)

Posted on 03/18/2013 at 01:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I can definitely see him being a favorite metal vocalist, which makes it funny you mention Iron Maiden, as Bruce Dickenson might be my favorite Sealed, but I've seen neither live (and I had a chance to see both at separate times, and damn do I regret not going; them together would be incredible), so really can't judge. I can imagine him blowing people off stage with those pipes of his, though. I think I'd just enjoy the concert you went to immensely, no matter my opinion on who's "better," both are legends.

By the way, is Geezer Butler your favorite metal or in-general bass player, or is it someone else? Is it a metal bassist at all? (I'm partial to Flea, myself).

Love the song you posted, I need to listen to that album in full. I have Dio's Greatest Hits, which I got from a $5 metal CDs sale the Nacogdoches Hasting's was having when I was in college; even got a black tee with "Live Metal" in white print free with my purchases (I have two, went at least three times).

I can definitely sympathize with getting through a hard time with a metal song, for me it was "Fade to Black" by Metallica. By the way, if you haven't seen that Metal: A Headbanger's Journey documentary I posted the clip from, it features Dio pretty heavily, as he and the documentarian hit it off.

RIP Dio m/


Posted on 03/17/2013 at 11:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm just gonna stick with Grimaldi's, which I'm going to for my birthday this Saturday. Laughing

As an addendum, I still enjoy stuffed crust pizza, as I always did as a kid, and want some right now.

Freaky Clothing for the Freaky Ladies

Posted on 03/17/2013 at 11:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Little top heavy there Travis... Travita?

I was told to get a coupon to Red Robin; that also said something about my bodily proportions, but in my case, its assertion was accurate, I'm a fatty.

Nude Girls Are Excellent

Posted on 03/17/2013 at 11:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Funny you mention Applebee's, as I'm getting food coupons to my right. I love Red Robin, might just go to that website...

Anyway, as many have said, I prefer physical copies and don't trust the DRM/download-only direction of anything. I'll support your product if I like it, but don't make things a pain in the ass to get.

Intro... yah, ok, I'm new

Posted on 03/17/2013 at 10:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Welcome to the neighborhood. I've run out of corny welcome jokes.

Stop With The Tomb Raider Praise!

Posted on 03/17/2013 at 10:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't played it, so can't speak to its quality (though QTE hell doesn't sound fun) but if someone does enjoy it, I'll agree that "GoTY SO FAR" is a more accurate descriptor. Hype tends to get overblown in a slow season; it very well could end up being their personal favorite, but wait a bit before throwing hyperbolies around, I agree.

GLaD 17: Celebrating an Italian on St. Paddy's (Sabbath Sunday+Solar Srtiker)

Posted on 03/17/2013 at 08:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Heeeey, I LIKED that title screen. lol

I agree with the rest of the review though, simple but fun; only I went back A LOT, and liked the sound, but that's just me, plus I was a lot younger at the time.

GLaD 17: Celebrating an Italian on St. Paddy's (Sabbath Sunday+Solar Srtiker)

Posted on 03/17/2013 at 08:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can imagine; he had a lot of fun with the English language, which is also something I like about him.

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