Ditto what Cary said.
Ditto what Cary said.
Nice tune. Sounds very 80s. lol
Yeah, we had to put our other cat, Darby, down a while ago. My mom and I were pretty ardent about telling my dad she needed to be put down, she was a skeleton with a giant tumor on her neck.They put her down while I was off at college, and said she went peacefully, I was just glad she was out of her misery.
In Clinger's case, I've tried doing everything I can because he didn't seem to want to go; now though, I'm convinced from his constant cries that he doesn't want to spend any more time wobbling around and bleeding out. I'm going to be really sad, but at least I feel like it's something for him, as opposed to something I'd be doing to him.
I forgot this was a game, but I love that twisted concept.
I know how being unemployed feels. I was for a long time, and given how frequently work has been calling, may as well be now. It sucks.
But those are some great deals! Sad to see a place go but 90% off is one hell of a bargain!
Thank you.
Unfortunately, it's not looking good, as I think I may be performing an act of mercy tomorrow. The poor guy had trouble walking, even after we injected him with saline earlier, and I feel cruel letting this go on. Clinger appreciates all the kind words though. I'm sure he'd get along great with Mouse, Skunk, and Haggis. Best wishes to your cats as well, whatever their moods and health may be.
Always love 'em.
Weird Tales of the Ramones looks pretty damn cool. haha
I don't think I've ever bought a GOTY version of anything. Is is just that the games are given a price cut and a nice GOTY sticker, or is there another difference between GOTY editions and originals?
In any case, patience is a virtue, and Confucious say it leads to great savings.
Well, that sucks, that game sounds awesome. I understand wanting to protect an IP, but why not offer a partnership and have the game available for sale online? It sounds substantial enough I'd be willing to pay $5, maybe even $10 (possibly .. let's not get crazy) for it if I was given a demo and had space. Granted, I am glad SF X MM was free.
Still, eight year labor of love, gone. Well, except of course on the backs of trucks. That's how I hear they found Jason Statham, maybe I'll start a racket and get lucky with some talent agent myself.
We never had Genesis, either, and I know what you mean about 2D Sonics, I didn't really get it either when I played the Gamecube collection. I played them through emulation later on though, and got hooked. I don't get why CD gets such high praise either. Personally, I think the original trilogy offers a much better challenge, and for me they're more fun, but oh well. I have Sonic Adventure 2 on Gamecube, I like both Adventures cause the Sonic/Shadow segments are very fun, I just wish the jewel hunting wasn't in those.
Thanks for the well wishes for Clinger.