I'd be upset, but at the same time if it's at a good price for what it is, I wouldn't mind getting it now that I know.
I'd be upset, but at the same time if it's at a good price for what it is, I wouldn't mind getting it now that I know.
Never was huge into RTS, but those trailers look awesome! Be cool if they made a Starcraft movie, looks like something I'd watch.
I love Wreck it Ralph, hope your fiance does too.
I would have finished it by now if not for said irksome fetch quests I didn't realize were mandatory; your shame means nothing to me! lol
I will finish it, but I'll have to be in the mood to fetch quest before I do. Actually, I might pick up Dawn of Sorrow before I get in that mood so uh ... this may take a while.
I haven't played these, but you know how I feel about JRPGs, so you know I'm in no way knocking the series by saying that, it's probably awesome; though it sounds like PSII was the least worthy entry.
Alys does sound like a cool character, all punk rock and hilarious.
It is worth a purchase overall, especially if you enjoyed it, just be sure to rescue those pesky villagers and check GameFAQs for stuff you may have missed
Wait, you can not have rescued all the villagers and get to the ending? Thenwhy do I get Game Over when I beat the midpoint boss?
I never played GBA Castlevanias, though I had always wanted to, they were so well-received!
I'm ... not giving them credit for making me feel as frustrated as the character, that's any game that has a stressful level of difficulty. lol
I understand why people like the time mechanic, and I liked the concept, but for me the execution as far as some of the overlong sidequests was rage-inducing, and I did know how to fast forward and slow down time, but even then I get tired of inputting the notes every time.
I will give it credit in that it did help the story, some of the discussions had with people in the game are downright sombering because of the impending doom, but I just wish they had toned it down in some of these mask-getting sidequests.
That reminds me, I need to play Dawn of Sorrow at some point. It's the best reviewed of the three, yet the only one I missed. I blame the fact I wasn' really into Castlevania in 2005.
And Order of Ecclesia is good enough overall to forgive, yeah, but that doesn't calm my rage. lol
Sounds like my kind of game.