I was never a fan of DBZ, always came in on the hype episodes (our neighbors would always watch it, whereas the house I've lived in never had cable until my late high school years), but if it has crazy Kojima stuff going on, I'd probably like it.
I was never a fan of DBZ, always came in on the hype episodes (our neighbors would always watch it, whereas the house I've lived in never had cable until my late high school years), but if it has crazy Kojima stuff going on, I'd probably like it.
Well I am jealous. lol
As far as the Adventure titles though, Eggman's theme from 2 was my favorite. So much damn good cheese!
And I can see why people like the time mechanic, but for me it made side quests tedious, and I never finished it, cause I kept messing up what Prima was telling me to do to get one of them. I only know what Ultimate Link looks like cause of that same strat guide; this day, my save file is right before the end boss, but I don't have all the masks yet.
Erectile Dysfunction certainly does mess with your head, I recommend it!
I actually don't know what you mean by that, I wasn't kidding when I said I literally just pulled the first three images off of Bing's most searched; I wasn't even planning on having that as part of these blogs, but I saw that looking for box art, and said "that's just too good a coincidence." lol
But yeah, this game was a damn troll! lol
Hmmm maybe, but I'd have to look at my HD space, Spotify takes up a sizeable chunk. Thanks for lettiing me know!
I hate the idea of the cloud from what I understand of it. Having digital back-ups is cool, and I've taken advantage as far as movies on Ultraviolet, but the part where the "cloud" is something with several accounts connected to it? Oh hell no!
There is a damn good reason I don't sign into my bank account with facebook. lol
No, but that's cool and something I did not know. I believe my first friend was lindalou.
Keep in mind I was also blogging on 1up in those early days (I joined just three years after it was launched, in June 2006... there's that number again lol), and even still had dial-up, hence my early blogs being all text! lol
I remember hearing about Siren, and of course Silent Hills are considered classics by many. Sadly, no more Sony consoles left for me, as they belonged to my brother, but let me know how Siren is if you do pick it up.
I was a lot more scared by The Shining as a kid, when I saw that elevator on TV, than I was watching it in full in high school. Again, mystery scares me, and you're right, atmosphere is everything in horror.
Excellent blog; 1up was all about community, glad that continues here.