I didn't even notice you guys were gone lol. It sure went fast. I'm glad to hear the move went well.
I didn't even notice you guys were gone lol. It sure went fast. I'm glad to hear the move went well.
I love Mountain Dew and don't go outside too much lol.
That sucks you have to go through all that Tami. I've never had anybody question my hobby. My neices love coming over here because I have so many games. They love playing games as well although I wouldn't label them gamers.
Those gameboy players are great. I have one for my gamecube and a couple of GBA titles. $100 for a gamecube controller? That's outrageous!
I've moved so many times so I know how that is. I'm about to move again in 3 weeks or so lol. I hope you guys get there safely!
If they go all digital than I'm done with next gen. There's a lot of things that bother me about that. I feel like I don't even own the game, what if my account gets screwed up, and what not. I think that digital gaming is great, but should be optional. I highly doubt they will lower the price that much. There are games on Steam that go for $60. A LOT of them.
The first game that ever scared me was Doom. I know how that sounds. I was about 10 at the time and watching my neighbor play it. It made me nervous because it was so violent and hearing demons grunting in the darkness. I don't really get scared anymore by games. I might jump but that's about it.
Don't worry about not commenting on my stuff either. Sometimes I feel bad because my friends write these wonderful blogs, and my comments are so lame lol. I'm so out of touch with modern gaming. It costs a lot to keep up.
Hey Philip! So glad you made it buddy! I think Activision forgot to mention the free "I survived the 1upocalypse" jackets lol.
Hey Trip! I know everybody already said this... but I'm glad to see you here. I'll check out your other site as well.
Joey G! So glad to see a fellow retro gamer here! I see Ryan made it too lol. Welcome aboard my friend!