Somehow I'm not surprised,just disappointed.
Somehow I'm not surprised,just disappointed.
I really enjoyed Marvel Ultimate Alliance. However, I do think better rpg/beat em up hybrids have released since then. Still, the MUA games are ones I wouldn't mind revisiting. While not perfect I had a good time with them!
X-men Legends is kind of "more in the same" though. In other words, if you didn't dig MUA, X-men Legends doesn't do much differently. (Though it did have a decent story)
Wall-E was a great film! And thanks for the hover chair reference,Knight. Made me laugh. lol.
I wish I could take those broken jagged shards of the smashed PS4 and shove them up that guy's ass. lol. Maybe he's trying to make a political statement about "consumer greed" or "consumer sheep mentality" but more likely he' justs some kind of agro-fan-boy. But hey, if he wants to drop all that money and wreck his own shit, let him. In the end he'll be remembered as an idiot.
Many people took offense to the basic concept art and didn't even bother to download. Secondly, one main character's story arch deals with sexual abuse which of course is a touchy issue with a lot of folks. (And admittedly there's a memory sequence that goes into rather vivid detail in the game)
At RMN Gutterdelve probably has an infamous noterity. (Just over 400 downloads) People will probably put it on some kind of snarky "Worst game list" or a "Most offensive game list".
In my defense I never "glorified" rape and I tried to make it obvious it's difficult for someone to move on with their lives after it happens to them.
Personally it's my hypothesis I'm dealing with "popular culture backlash". America is very "PC" and leftist to the point that if you try to make a story with a bit more "bite" it can potentially offend a large crowd.
I'm not ashamed of my game but yeah, maybe I would have done some things a tad differently. I thought about cutting out a big portion of Deidre's "memory sequence" in the HS level but then I thought to myself "Why is this so risque when other games have violent killing,sex mini games, and even depraved torture?". As such, I made a stand and kept that content unaltered. If books and certain movies can get away with the same amount of detail I don't see why I should have to "put up and shut up".
Don't worry Alejandro,if you have doubts don't download. lol. I confess my game is not for everyone.
I simply see the futility in buying a product in which the follow up upgraded version will be better. However, I only apply this principle to "really popular games" that I know made bank and will get a GOTY counterpart even without my participation. I still try to be more supportive of "good games" that get less hype. However,when money is tight money is tight! Games are a nice diversion but I have bills to pay!
Iron Brigaide looks interesting. I've always been bias in favor of mechs. lol.
I never knew they expanded on the idea of the original Donkey Kong. I remember liking Pauline whilst wondering what the hell happened to her. lol. I assume she becomes one of the princesses later on. (I know Peach isn't the only princess)
I kind of hope the next game of this ilk has Mario and DK teaming up. (Maybe throw in Luigi,Peach,Pauline,and Toad too.) That would be awesome!
Someone I liked once said "If you always please everyone you're playing it too safe within the lines. Good art & literature that is remembered hundreds of years later often rocks the boat!" For the most part that is true. I 'm not saying everyone should resort to "shock value" but I believe if you are passionate enough about a good story you should tell it even if it might offend some people. In other words,go for it,Matt!
I'd normally say "I'm sorry to see Tom go" but death can also be merciful in some ways. I wouldn't say I believe in heaven in the traditional sense but I do believe positive people become part of a positive energy flow thus they live on in a nicer ascended state. (Assuming they do not choose to reincarnate right away)
But enough of my new-aged Buddhist/Hindu hippy nonsense! Just want you to know I'm here for you,Tami! And I'm quite fond of each of those threads that make you a whole person!