You are one great admin, sir! Thank you, was not even expecting a reply to that!
You are one great admin, sir! Thank you, was not even expecting a reply to that!
Oh yeah, those were a bitch.
I remember EGM praising Riddick quite a bit, so that makes sense.
Anonymous is me, forgot to log in. Was wondering why it asked for a captcha code. lol
Well, I'd love Dark Knight level quality for everything, but that's an anomaly, given the director and script and actors making that what I still consider the best superhero flick. lol
I am looking forward to the Wolverine movie though, that Origins flick wasn't the greatest.
I played either the Gamecube or PS2 Wolverine, not that one, but I liked the one I played.
I've seen that Forever review by AVGN, and I loved it (his review) lol. I've heard Batman NES is tough, but good from several people.
You're gonna hate me for this, but my original blog had that in the "not bad" category. I just never found it as great as everyone else did, and my friends and I played it a LOT as kids.Similarly, I find most modern FPSes boring, despite their massive popularity.
I did like Rare games, though lol.
I was born in 1990, so in 1995, when Forever came out, I was 5 (or 4, if before late March), in 2005 when Kong hit, I was 15, etc. My age corresponds to the last digits in a year, since I was born in an 'aught. I turn 23 this March since it's 2013. Makes shit simple. lol
Interesting you say you played hookie, some friends and I told my friend's mom we went and saw that, as opposed to the concert we weren't supposed to go to in "dangerous" Deep Ellum. lol
And yeah, I quite liked the Returns game as well, but why did you not like X2? My friend Mikel hates those movies, cause they don't follow the comic, I guess, but I only grew up on the 90s cartoon, so I thought the movies were fine.
Plus, it looks and feels friggin' sweet! Very streamlined, glad to see you GH.
I must agree.
I didn't know about Nick or Michael, but that was nice, and I did read that great article by Julian.
I have an IGN account, but I just do not like their community that much. Their content? The reason they're the go-to for so many. Their comments? Garbage, mostly.
Never been to Playfire or Giant Bomb, but Pixlbit seems awesome so far, and very close to what I liked 1up for already, plus some nifty things like speed 1up didn't have :)