MGS: The Twin Snakes was actually the good one. Too Human is the bad one. Then X-Men Destiny is the terrible one
MGS: The Twin Snakes was actually the good one. Too Human is the bad one. Then X-Men Destiny is the terrible one
I love how you have a tag that says satire followed by one saying this is obviously satire.
That is awesome until the pain of that original ME3 ending sank in.
The only reason I put Mario there is because he's coming out in December. Any sooner and he's day one.
You know, AC2 is free if you have Gold. At this point though, AC is just about putting in a bunch of random minigames to mask how basic the core gameplay is rather than making really good missions like 2 did which actually would hide it well and make a fun game.
San Andreas was great, but Rockstar hasn't made a single game this gen that I really enjoyed. I'd actually say they're the most overrated developer right now.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. Interested to see what people think of it.
WW is the one game I wanted more than any other to go to HD. Even more than Kotor, my favorite game ever. Though now Kotor's my most wanted in HD.
I hope it works well. Would be nice if they got the controls down well on a controller.
I backed Dead State (awesome looking zombie WRPG), Project Eternity, and some game I forget the name of because all I heard was "made by the head Spiderman 2 guy and focusing on grappling that will be just like Spiderman 2's web swinging." Wish I backed Wasteland 2 in hindsight.