it crept up on me too bt I've been playing this pretty close to the chest as of late, I was hoping to swap with a friend but British people are gits... Or maybe it's just MY friends.
it crept up on me too bt I've been playing this pretty close to the chest as of late, I was hoping to swap with a friend but British people are gits... Or maybe it's just MY friends.
I had heard of this (Amercan friend) Jerry can still shread but I gotta be honest, the Lead vocalist does nothing for me
As I understad, they assumed that the millions that own a 3DS would get this new one too, they didn't anticipate that they'd increase interet from those that didn't get it. It's a very silly over correction if nothing else.
The Dreaded back logs thirst will never be quenched!
I hav BG&E and are fighting the invading aliens in the city... about 3 months ago
Love a bit of Ozzy, he can still electrify a crowd.
Oh gawd, I didn't need this before bed.
I'm wholy worried, i'm sure it'll be a well polished piece but I'm not an mmo fan and hanging from the FF12 style to that is not going to be my cup of tea. I'll probably buy it out of faith but then again I have been burned before... It's not easy :(
I saw they where bring Jem back as a comic a while back and I was like, "Wait what? Really? Okay" Last thing to be expected, for sure.
I might get the Prime Trilogy as I already have the originals, so I can keep them archived.
I saw that Jupiter trailer and I was thinking "this look sooo silly"
Oh, how times have changed
That's awesome, I mostly have 90s stuff sprincled with 80s here and there. My older brother still has your era of comics too.
I'm trying to cut down on wording as I have a lot to say (surprisingly) so we'll see how it goes
Cool I'm too lazy to get any achievements beyond Normal
from what I understand it is.