That is excatly why I refuse to go those things every year. Its just not worth the headache and stress it would induce. Ill just wait for the game to release, it will save me the pain. I do however give you kudos for braving it!
That is excatly why I refuse to go those things every year. Its just not worth the headache and stress it would induce. Ill just wait for the game to release, it will save me the pain. I do however give you kudos for braving it!
I orignally had injustice on the PS3 when it first launched. I didnt regret that purchase one bit. A good while back Sony had a sale going on and Injustice was 24.96 on the PS4, I typically perfer physical items but that price was way too good for that game with all the DLC. I need to jump on it and complete the story mode again. I loved the story they did for it.
I wish I could of watched it but I was asleep. I had such a long day yesterday it was crazy and tonight might be a bit wild too.
Im excited but Im dont know what I should be confused about. Of course I havent played really any games in the series.
Congrats on the car joe! I have thought of getting a new one but my truck does perfectly fine. Im excited for E3 but I might not get to watch it when its live. Im currently at work till 330pm on monday and ill prolly go home and pass out. Im a caregiver doing overnights now.
Im super excired for several things one being gameplay and announced fighters for the new MK game.
I totally need to buy the first HD remake. It was on a daily deal with best buy at 19.99 but my closest store didnt have it in stock so I didnt get to grab it. I however plan to own all of them at some point.
Well that proves it, im the weird one of the bunch, i prefer Downeys movies to the tv shows on sherlock holmes. Their apparently hopeing to do a third and I will be def excited if they do. I havent played Dark Souls yet but with aquiring a PS3 I think Ill be jumping on it soon.
Do you only buy PSN cards or do you have debit card? I have been buying games with my actual card and they only charge me the price of the item now. They dont charge the wallet thing anymore. Atleast on the phone app they dont.
I dont know abut you but i played haunting grounds and it scared the shit out of me. Im not saying it cant be survival horror if you can fight back because it most certainly can. Im just saying, being defenseless can scare the shit out of me a lil more easily then haveing a way to fight back. Haunting Grounds and Clock Tower are 2 games that come to mind in the scarey horror survival area that keep you for majoriaty part weaponless, running is the option except until you reach certain points. It prolly for me stems from feeling helpless at one point and the fact i get severally scared if I am helpless. It plays on my emotons there.
Yup, and to me it was shocking that there were several people on random websites surprised that it was coming to Sony consoles. I dont think a lot of people knew it was just a timid exclusive.