It is an easily recognisable area haha, and to be fair, you were only playing it not that long ago.
It is an easily recognisable area haha, and to be fair, you were only playing it not that long ago.
Yeah that's what I thought when I started paying. You should see how he moves, it's exactly the same!
Yeah, that was a whole camp. That took longer than I care to admit too.
Can't you do screenshots on the new consoles? I'm sure someone posted a blog about PS4 screenshots...
Dw that was on IGN haha.
Mount and Blade: Warband is fantastic. I seriously adore it. The graphics are a bit shite, but the large scale battles are amazingly fun.
Nope. That's what he wants you to think. It's actually his eyebrows.
Gotta say I hate the Wizard in D3. I'm more of a Monk/Demon Hunter guy.
Hells fucking yes so pumped for this one!
Yeah they are. Worst thing is I rocked up there today to pick some stuff up and they weren't even living there. My old room is just their fucking storage shed.
Oh well. The rest of the month hasn't been too bad haha.