Posted on 06/18/2013 at 02:18 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
Sorry you didn't get to go to E3 Cary; as you said, it's bad form. I absolutely agree that smaller and mid-sized gaming sites are important for E3; many of them provide far better journalism that the big gaming sites, a lot of whom's sole concern is ad revenue and not journalistic integrity due to the fact that they are owned by media holding corporations.
I'm a SMB2 fan myself, and I share your excitement for ALTTP 2 and New Yoshi's Island - the originals are 2 of my favorite games of all time! Castle of Illusion and Duck Tales remakes also have me stoked! The new Dead Rising certainly has a more serious tone, which I'm not sure about yet, but we'll see as time goes on.
All in all, I'd say a pretty solid E3.