I remember when Sim City first came out on PC. It was EVERYWHERE and I still remember the box art that looked like a weird steampunk Game Boy or whatever. My friend had it on PC, and he'd bring in printouts of his city to show me, which I thought was pretty cool.
Later I rented it on the SNES to try it out for myself and I was surprised on how addicting it was. Not enough to pay full price for, but I'm glad I got to try it.
MANY years later when the Wii first came out, one of the first Virtual Console games for it was Sim City! I remembered how fun it was, and the price was reasonable enough so I downloaded it. Plus I was curious how this whole Virtual Console thing worked. I showed Sim City on Wii to my brother Jeff and he LOVED it. After playing the SNES version on Wii, he immediate downloaded Sim City 3000 on his computer and he's been a fan of the series ever since.
PS: I like how Mr. Wright makes cameo appearances in Link's Awakening and Smash. Also I think it's interesting how Will Wright came up for the idea for this game after having fun making cities in Raid on Bungeling Bay.