If I get a Wii U, I may get the one on it. Also find the ones for the PS2.
If I get a Wii U, I may get the one on it. Also find the ones for the PS2.
I have never play Yakuza. I need to get the first one.
Do we truly own digital media... Uh no. I am with you.
See, that is why I am not going next gen. Let us have fun and stay old school.
yes really, it blows my mind how stupid it is.
Take your time. I have moved a few times in my life.
you know that kind of reminds me of Wal Mart over here, they will sell rated R movies and mature video games but will not sell a unedited cd.
well Bravo to you. this is a great site and a lot of cool people. we have no room for trolls. Stay Classy pixlbit.
You know I really dislike Halo and FF games and I have expressed that before. I never try to go on others posts anbout those games and down them, other than a friendly jeer. I will never understand trolls.