Posted on 01/27/2016 at 08:32 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I think I might just try and participate this year....if Life doesnt get in the way!
The Witcher 3, is one game I really want to day
It looks like you have a lot on your plate and it's all good...Best of luck to you.
Matt, I can play MGS and LBP games over and over and never tire of them
Yes, it really is an excellent game and I hate to not finish it because I've played a few levels of FEAR 2 and it looks and plays awesome too and I want to play FEAR2 but I wanna finish 1 first
Lol....that's funny
POP? wow! that brings back memories! hahahhah
Yeah...I do remember that!...I used the maps too and it was fun....some of the maps would show you right on top of a riddle thing and it wouldnt be there, unless you looked up, down, sideways...that was fun. I just gave up after awhile