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bullet656's Comments - Page 19

Breaking Bad is The Greatest Show EVER!!!

Posted on 08/28/2013 at 09:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I've got to agree with Skyler being in the right. She can get annoying, because like this blog states, although Walt has become evil, we still sympathise with him and therefore don't like when people get in his way.  But damn, he's put her through hell and has risked the lives of everyone in his family (not to mention all those dead because of him). All because of what has become of very selfish reason, his own ego.

Given the same situation, most wives would react much worse than Skyler has.  I think she gets way too much hate.

Breaking Bad is The Greatest Show EVER!!!

Posted on 08/28/2013 at 08:40 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree, it's a great show and definitely one of the best ever, in my opinion.  So far the second half of the final season has been better than ever.  I still have no clue how it will end. *very, very minor spoiler* I'm hoping for some kind of redemption for Jessie, but so far it doesn't look like that is going to happen.

Community Poll #29

Posted on 08/27/2013 at 01:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I rarely ever hate a game, so I don't have a great answer for this.  The only one that comes immediately to mind is Jet Set Radio.  I played it for the first time a few months ago when it was free on the PS+ for vita.  I'm not sure if it was how the game was programmed for the Vita or if it was just me, but I thought the controls were terribIe and it hurt my fingers to play.  I would miss rails again and again.

I recently tried playing it again when it became free on the PS3.  The controls were alot better, but still annoying and I still didn't enjoy it.  The last time I played I was very close to beating a level that was frustrating me.  I think I had one or at most two tags to go and plenty of time.  Then a car hit me, I fell on the hood, and the car drove me out of the area, ending the run.  I turned it off and have had no desire to play it again.

It doesn't help that I find both the music and the character animations to be some of the most annoying things I've ever heard/seen.

Community Poll #28

Posted on 08/26/2013 at 01:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Almost always new. A major reason being that I do most of my game buying over the internet and I don't like the uncertainty of getting a used game without seeing the condition of it first.  But I also like supporting the companies that make the games by buying them new.  Sometimes I'll wait for the price of a new game to drop first though.  Depends on how badly I want it.

Community Poll #27

Posted on 08/22/2013 at 01:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"My subconscious works through puzzles I'm stuck on while I'm sleeping, though."

That used to happen to me all the time back when I would play PC adventure games all the time.  I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, "knowing" what I needed to do.  I would often have trouble falling back asleep due to the excitement and would sneak out of bed to the computer room (which was next to my parents bedroom) to try it out.  It could also turn into a big let-down if I was still wrong.

Gone Home Review

Posted on 08/22/2013 at 01:22 PM | Filed Under Review

I've read several reviews of this game, all of which havehad positive things to say about it.  As a fan of adventure games, I think I'm going to have to get this soon.

Community Poll #27

Posted on 08/22/2013 at 11:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I’m sure I have had some, but can’t remember any actual dreams I’ve had about a video game.  But I used to have vivid daydreams about the original Tony Hawk all the time.  It was actually the game that got me back into console gaming after I went off to college and stopped playing games for a while.  I played it at a friend’s during Christmas break and had to buy it (along with a playstation) when I went back to the dorms.  My dorm friends and I played it so often I would see myself grinding on everything around campus as I walked to classes.  I would see opportunities for endless grinds everywhere I went.  And it wasn’t like I was just looking at stuff and thinking “I wish this was in the game.”  I would actually find myself forgetting that my life wasn’t the game and have to snap myself back into reality.  It probably didn’t help that I spent very little time sober during college. :)

DuckTales Remastered Review

Posted on 08/21/2013 at 12:39 PM | Filed Under Review

Nice review.  I'm going to download this game at some point and am looking forward to it.  Although I never owned the original, I used to play it alot at a friend's house when I was younger and have always had fond memories of it. I never realized that so many other people liked it until recently when I saw it being brought up alot on gaming websites.

Punch Drunk Love + Lots More

Posted on 08/21/2013 at 12:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I loved Punch Drunk Love, but I'm a pretty big fan of everything PT Anderson has made.  I thought Adam Sandler was great in it, and I typically find him to be extremely annoying.

Piracy, Is It Ever Acceptable?

Posted on 08/20/2013 at 10:42 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Honestly, I don’t think it’s ever “acceptable,” but some cases are more understandable than others.  No matter what the excuse is, it is still wrong.  So what if it’s out of print, they might still choose to release it one day.  That’s their right.  You don’t have a right to play it just because it exists.

But that’s my thoughts and feelings on the subject at an academic level.  I really don’t judge someone for doing it, unless they feel entitled to every new game out there for free.  I understand why someone might do it and not feel guilty when the alternative is paying $100 for the only copy they can find on ebay.  Hell, when I first discovered emulators in the late 90s (or maybe early 00s, can’t really remember) I downloaded tons of games.

And on a kind of side topic, I do get really annoyed when people act like pirating is the exact same as stealing a physical object.  It’s not.  As I stated, I do think piracy is wrong, but to act like it’s a 1-to-1 loss of sales is idiotic.  (But at to act like it doesn’t affect sales at all is equally idiotic.)  

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