Thanks and you should try at some stage. The nice thing about Europe too is if you decide to visit Ireland, it's not a massive extra cost to venture to mainland Europe also.
Thanks and you should try at some stage. The nice thing about Europe too is if you decide to visit Ireland, it's not a massive extra cost to venture to mainland Europe also.
I just reupped my subscription and couldn't agree more that it's a fantastic service. I actually think I'm done with buying PS3 games at this stage because of it. I'll finish up what I have, enjoy the new plus releases that interest me and get a PS4 when theres enough I want to play. Good times to be a gamer.
The one thing I say for if you ever decide to plan a trip to Ireland is to make sure you see a bit of the countryside. Dublin has many interesting things to see but it is more of a metropolitan city in my opinion than a true representation of Ireland. Cities like Cork (in the south) and Galway (in the west) have much more Irish flair.
I've yet to start Lone Survivor as I kinda got lost in FFX and had Stealth Inc. as my backup game. The videos I watched of it looked really interesting though so I do plan on getting around to it.
The thing I find about Skyrim is for the most part you just do what you feel like. As long as you put some thought into your character build, it's perfectly acceptable to wander around and just do what interests you. There is a lot of content in this game.
I know what you mean about the adequate computer though. Mine will play Fallout New Vegas but it's really slow and jumpy, I lose interest after 15 mins trying to play. Ugh.
Yeah I spent a bunch of time with Stealth Inc. in the airport and over the vacation and it's a lot of fun. Very clever little game which is rather tough but ultimately fair.
Please do.
Yeah i'd say $20 game. Some very decent moments but overall it's underwhelming
Yeah I agree. When i'm in the mood for discovery and checking out every nook and cranny, the hours just melt away. And i'm not sure i'll ever finish it. It still feels as though i've barely scratched the surface, even after 90 hours. There's so much content in there, it's pretty damn crazy.
Yeah it's definitely not bad but I certainly wouldn't advise any great expense to obtain it.