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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 182

E3 Impressions - Day 0

Posted on 06/10/2014 at 05:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I liked Nintendo's showings the best. My favorite offering from Sony was Bloodborne, the new game from From Software. Wasn't impressed with Microsoft save for the new Platinum Games exclusive for Xbox One, but I'd have been more impressed with it if I weren't already getting Bayonetta 2 for Wii U.

Those who like to make their own RPGs.. Get In Here

Posted on 06/05/2014 at 12:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have RPG Maker VX Ace, but finding the time to make my own games is something else. Once I really got started it would go along fine, but getting things going is a problem.

Angry geek tirade: Indie horror games usually suck!

Posted on 06/05/2014 at 12:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I was actually fortunate enough to find this game in Vintage Stock a few days ago for $20. Apparently the game sold like shit and is rare now, because I've never seen it on Amazon or eBay for less than $70.

Buying AAA Games Feels Like Buying New Consoles Now

Posted on 06/02/2014 at 11:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

One thing I don't like about AAA games lately is that EA and Ubisoft (25% owned by EA) are always trying to shoehorn Origin or Uplay in. Not only is getting messages from Origin or Uplay disruptive to immersion, but I get tired of having virtual salesmen in my face all the time. I guess Blizzard does it all the time with nowadays and Activision had that Call of Duty Elite service that shut down back in February. I already avoid free-to-play games as it is. I don't want virtual hucksters in games I'm paying $60 for ostensibly so I can have a complete experience.

One game I'll think long and hard about buying day one is Fallout 4. Not because I don't want the game, because I do. Fallout has become one of those series like Final Fantasy, Zelda, or Tales that I know I want. But it's almost not worth it knowing that Fallout 4 will come out next year in a GOTY edition with all the expansion packs they've released for it. Not to mention Bethesda's infamous bugs. I won't have any similar qualms about preordering Tales of Xillia 2/Zestiria/Hearts R, FFXV, or Zelda Wii U.

Angry geek tirade: Indie horror games usually suck!

Posted on 06/01/2014 at 09:56 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not really into games where you HAVE to sneak around to survive. It's tedious as hell for me, especially if the entire game is based around that mechanic. While I appreciate it when designers can add the option for stealth, I'd still like to be able to throw down with the bad guys. I don't care if the bad guys are a huge challenge, just make it possible for me to beat them down.

Are you familiar with Capcom's Haunting Ground, by any chance?

Buying AAA Games Feels Like Buying New Consoles Now

Posted on 06/01/2014 at 09:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm with you on this. I don't buy any AAA game at release, other than from Nintendo, if at all. I generally only buy them when they fall to $20. Meanwhile, I'll cheerfully drop $40-60 on niche games and I'll really splurge on stuff like the collectors' editions Namco has been offering for the Tales series.

I'm finally done with the main story in Tales of Graces F

Posted on 05/28/2014 at 12:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I played the Future arc and I'm now stuck on the Little Queens.

May Game Purchases

Posted on 05/28/2014 at 12:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I jumped on that one and on the Xillia CE. Some games I just have a gut feeling about getting the CEs. I kick myself to this day for not getting Vesperia's CE.

I was also one of thousands victimized by the fiasco over the Ni no Kuni Wizards' Edition. I preordered it and lost out on it. They did give me a free hardcover strategy guide though.

May Game Purchases

Posted on 05/26/2014 at 11:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I liked Dragon's Dogma quite a lot myself.

I bought the CE of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. I still have my Gamecube game but since Tales of Symphonia is one of my favorite games ever I had no qualms about rebuying it in a high-end CE.

The Stance of XB1

Posted on 05/26/2014 at 11:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Unless a huge bombshell happens, I don't see myself getting Xbox One in the forseeable future. I have a Wii U for Nintendo's stuff and a PS4 for everything else. Since I don't care about Halo, Gears, Forza, or Fable, Xbox One as it stands has nothing to offer for me. Maybe if they score a REALLY killer exclusive, and by that I mean a big Japanese exclusive...

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