Posted on 06/02/2014 at 11:43 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
One thing I don't like about AAA games lately is that EA and Ubisoft (25% owned by EA) are always trying to shoehorn Origin or Uplay in. Not only is getting messages from Origin or Uplay disruptive to immersion, but I get tired of having virtual salesmen in my face all the time. I guess Blizzard does it all the time with nowadays and Activision had that Call of Duty Elite service that shut down back in February. I already avoid free-to-play games as it is. I don't want virtual hucksters in games I'm paying $60 for ostensibly so I can have a complete experience.
One game I'll think long and hard about buying day one is Fallout 4. Not because I don't want the game, because I do. Fallout has become one of those series like Final Fantasy, Zelda, or Tales that I know I want. But it's almost not worth it knowing that Fallout 4 will come out next year in a GOTY edition with all the expansion packs they've released for it. Not to mention Bethesda's infamous bugs. I won't have any similar qualms about preordering Tales of Xillia 2/Zestiria/Hearts R, FFXV, or Zelda Wii U.