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mothman's Comments - Page 182

What've I Been Doing?

Posted on 03/26/2015 at 01:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Things feel cramped, visuals are inferior, not easy to see where you need to go, 3D looks bad except in cut scenes. About what you'd expect actually. No scathing reviews yet, just a lot of damning with faint praise.

One review goes as far as saying that you should play it on the Wii instead. Excuse me, that game is no longer in print and most sellers want $100 bucks or more for it. What kind of dumbass recommendation is that?

Pillars of Eternity

Posted on 03/26/2015 at 01:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't have a PS4 but I'm curious about Pillars of Eternity. I might get some use out of if if you still have the code and aren't asking for payment. :D

What've I Been Doing?

Posted on 03/26/2015 at 01:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The problem I'm having is that it seems to be one unending discussion of the definition of language as it applies to different species. There doesn't seem to be that much going on. Other than that there's his use of made up words, some of which can be deciphered and some which cannot. His description of buildings, hallways and furniture made out of living tissue are kind of interestng though.

Klonoa is really good!

Posted on 03/26/2015 at 07:58 AM | Filed Under Blogs

We rented the PS1 version when it came out and thought it was amazing. the number made was so small though that it wasn't available to purchase by the time I tried. Klonoa 2 on PS2 is also very good if you can find a copy.

The Wii version was criminally overlooked. For it's $30 list price it should have flown off the shelves but it didn't.

I bought the digital version the day it came out and don't regret it.

Flash in the Pan

Posted on 03/24/2015 at 03:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I got Beyond Time and Space because I already had The Devil's Playhouse. I love the Sam and Max games, unlike recent Telltale games they're quirky and funny as opposed to dark and violent.

Birthday Breakfast Stout

Posted on 03/24/2015 at 07:54 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yay stout! Happy Birthday Joe.

Bravely Default Is....

Posted on 03/24/2015 at 07:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I loved the game but got a little disheartened with the second half. That being said it does reward exploration and you can miss some jobs easily if you don't poke around. The final battles are well worth the journey. I can't wait for the sequel. 

An Actual Gaming Blog For Once. : P

Posted on 03/23/2015 at 07:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really don't know what is happening on Walking Dead anymore. I mainly watch it now because my wife likes it. I saw Sunday's episode but only bits and pieces. I did see Michonne clock Rick though while he was going full psycho. That was funny.

I like the Atelier series and played the first one back on PS2. I love the Crafting aspects of it. They certainly aren't macho games but they are fun to play.


March 2015: Is it Spring yet?

Posted on 03/22/2015 at 06:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I bought Shadows of Mordor for 24 dollars a while back but traded it for 20 so that I could get my New 3DS. I probably wouldn't have played it anytime soon and I play my 3DS all the time. If I ever get close to being able to play it I'll pick it up again.

Blogging on a Windows 10 Laptop

Posted on 03/22/2015 at 10:28 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes, the new 3DS really makes the older models less appealing. Even the collector's models. Buy Persona Q!

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