I know that you can get Ultima IV on gog.com for free.
I know that you can get Ultima IV on gog.com for free.
I listened to that episode.
The Wii U just became a very tempting offer.
What is my original DS is not a 2DS? What is my original Xbox if not an Xbox One? What the heck is a Wii U if not a special edition Wii, or some crazy Sega add-on?
The remake of WindWaker is appealing to me, but I also know that I have had difficulty playing the 3D Zelda games. I will say that I think that a hard mode is a perfect addition. I can replay A Link to the Past over and over and over again, but sometimes I wish that It was remixed and more challenging.
well, that wasn't what I was planning on doing... anyway, with the way my brother's kids seem to fight over an ipad, I shuuder to think of what would happen to a dedicated gaming machine.
At 129 it will probably sell like crazy. In fact, I almost find it tempting for my godson... The only problem is that I know that it will cause problems in that household if I get it for him.
I wish that I had more to say than just "thank you"
I should probably start watching this show... I am uncertain as to why I have not... aside from being an idiot.