I did not know the thing about the member of the Police making Spyro music. Neat.
I did not know the thing about the member of the Police making Spyro music. Neat.
New streaming service idea: Half-Chub Horror
Hereditary was a hard sit for me, cause it was way more depressing than scary to me ... which itself is a certain kind of scary, but I felt most scares I felt watching it had to do more with my own family's hereditary issues than with what the movie did. It was brilliant in many other ways, but I'd be hesitant to call it "scary" for me as opposed to "hard to watch."
Having played very little of Bioshock, I think I know what Julian is talking about with pick #3. Maybe not, cause I only barely got into the second large area if I'm remembering correctly. I feel like I can't really experience that game with fresh eyes, cause so much about it has permeated gaming culture dialogue that I'm not sure what I'd find genuinely surprising anymore.
Drowning in Sonic games just fucking infuriates me, cause why in a game about speed am I 1) underwater AT ALL 2) having to wait for a bubble to generate?
Never heard much about Havoc except from Blake.
Oh good God, backlogs. And in my case, dwindling funds even with finally finding at least a part time job. So many games I have yet to play ...
Man, I wish I could play P.T.
I love stories about creepy things happening to people working on creepy things ... even if half the time I suspect these are fairly typical issues on any production that are being embellsihed for PR reasons.
I don't think I've ever played a game that I couldn't put down or someone told me I had a problem, but I remember when my brother would EXPLODE at Madden and if I so much as sighed at a game, my parents would think another outburst was coming and yell at me just for that. So I guess the real life ramifications of Madden can be spooky ..
I should listen to that Clickbait Podcast.
I'd definitely recommend Arkham Knight to Patrick. Game of the Year 2015!*
*For non-PC users and people who aren't as into Bloodborne or Witcher III as others.
I wonder how ED holds up (pun intended?) now, cause I too only rented it a couple of times.
I have no idea how anyone plays REVII in VR. That's just too damn much. At that point, just call that mansion that literally kidnaps you or whatever, ya freaks.
I'm glad you agree with my picks for the most part, cause I was wondering if horror game fans would look at my list and think "n00b" (which would still be fair).
And by cheese in Untl Dawn, I mean all the slasher and teen cabin vacation tropes throughout. It rises above that in a lot of ways, but that base is still there to make me laugh enough that it loses some horror effectiveness. Not ragging on Until Dawn. It is a great game.
N64 is good for horror just cause of how dark all those games look.
NWP building new friendships ...
Back later with Stage Select picks and to listen to Consumption Junction ... maybe after playing more of My Brother Rabbit, so I can FINALLY review the damn thing for Nick.
It's cool they did so much work on it to bring it to PSP, but the game I have on my SNES Mini frustrates me enough (well, not really, since I kinda just moved on after dying a few times) that I doubt I'd be into it anyway.
Maybe one day I'll git gud enough to make this a horror staple for me.
I still buy physical for big games, cause I like the "big" experience of going out to buy it, but if I'm being honest, with all the shit they have to add through download once the disc is in, they seem to be making the physical disc pretty worthless as well.
I hate seeing you enjoy NFS Payback, knowing there are at least 3 games from this year I still want, and thinking "I'm already $12 behind budget in Wants for the month."
I kinda liked the one I played on PS2. Definitely had its own chram imo. The N64 one's opening scared me in a good way as a kid. I always liked how it made me feel. Too bad the rest of the game was, as you said, rough.
As far as 2D games go, I now own Super Castlevania 4 on SNES Mini and haven't played much of it, but I still use items. Maybe I won't once I get more used to the whip; I'm not far in.
Dawn of Sorrow is one of those games I got way after its sequels, and by that time the drawing to kill bosses felt a little ... unnecessary. As you said, that did not age well. I still want to finish the rest of the game though.
Order of Ecclessia seemed harder to me than Portrait of Ruin and I got stuck on a certain boss cause I didn't have a certain item I think. I wasn't a fan of learning it was a dropped item I just didn't seem to have luck in finding. The overall look and feel of the game is my favorite of the DS series though, so I want to finish it.
Portrait of Ruin is the only DS game I actually beat, yet somehow felt the most average.
I've always liked what I've played of the original Castlevania, clunky and stiff controls and all, and I'm looking forward to finally playing SotN.
"To avlid all the free stuff PSN and XBL throw at me."
I still can't get over how many games there seem to be compared with yesteryears. Stupid choice paradox.
I always thought the Construction bots looked cool. Pretty sure Devastator might be where I got stuck in that cel-shaded Transformers game I bought on PSN last year. Devastation?
I thought Last Jedi was visually pretty cool, even if there were plot holes and that casino stuff was dull (didn't quite get the political allegories out of it others did, I guess) and I actually really loved Solo. I am a very casual fan of Star Wars though, so I've always just gone in, been satisfied fine and left thinking "eh, I'm glad I saw it" just as I do with most Marvel movies. Solo was actually really fun to me though. To each their own, I guess.
I tend to drift more toward drama/Oscar bait stuff to be honest.
That's a lot of rigs!