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Super Step's Comments - Page 185

Ranking 2D Castlevania Games

Posted on 10/23/2018 at 09:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I kinda liked the one I played on PS2. Definitely had its own chram imo. The N64 one's opening scared me in a good way as a kid. I always liked how it made me feel. Too bad the rest of the game was, as you said, rough. 

As far as 2D games go, I now own Super Castlevania 4 on SNES Mini and haven't played much of it, but I still use items. Maybe I won't once I get more used to the whip; I'm not far in. 

Dawn of Sorrow is one of those games I got way after its sequels, and by that time the drawing to kill bosses felt a little ... unnecessary. As you said, that did not age well. I still want to finish the rest of the game though. 

Order of Ecclessia seemed harder to me than Portrait of Ruin and I got stuck on a certain boss cause I didn't have a certain item I think. I wasn't a fan of learning it was a dropped item I just didn't seem to have luck in finding. The overall look and feel of the game is my favorite of the DS series though, so I want to finish it. 

Portrait of Ruin is the only DS game I actually beat, yet somehow felt the most average. 

I've always liked what I've played of the original Castlevania, clunky and stiff controls and all, and I'm looking forward to finally playing SotN. 

New Used Games

Posted on 10/19/2018 at 08:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"To avlid all the free stuff PSN and XBL throw at me." 

I still can't get over how many games there seem to be compared with yesteryears. Stupid choice paradox. 

Quick Hits: I'm Outside Again

Posted on 10/19/2018 at 08:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I always thought the Construction bots looked cool. Pretty sure Devastator might be where I got stuck in that cel-shaded Transformers game I bought on PSN last year. Devastation?

Star Wars: Ep. 9 and Time Travel

Posted on 10/19/2018 at 07:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I thought Last Jedi was visually pretty cool, even if there were plot holes and that casino stuff was dull (didn't quite get the political allegories out of it others did, I guess) and I actually really loved Solo. I am a very casual fan of Star Wars though, so I've always just gone in, been satisfied fine and left thinking "eh, I'm glad I saw it" just as I do with most Marvel movies. Solo was actually really fun to me though. To each their own, I guess. 

I tend to drift more toward drama/Oscar bait stuff to be honest. 

GameRig Update! Octoberween 2018 Edition

Posted on 10/18/2018 at 03:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That's a lot of rigs!

Episode 139: Missing in Action

Posted on 10/17/2018 at 04:46 PM | Filed Under Feature

That makes a lot more sense. I thought it was NES box art. lol Can you blame me? We've all seen certain NES box art ... 

Quick Hits: A Combo With A Side Of Garage Sale Recap

Posted on 10/17/2018 at 04:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, she just wanted to make out like a bandit. I don't think that's TOO bad, all things considered, but I know how that ill-gotten stink-eye can ruin your day. Little things kill. lol

Unpleasant people are the hardest part of working imo, so I get it. 

Quick Hits: Garage Sale Is Now Finished, & Pickups!

Posted on 10/17/2018 at 04:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I hadn't heard of Music Bee, but I'm good with Spotify and my CDs for now. I don't necessarily think iTunes is THAT bad, but I'm mad about the syncing issue, since some of my CDs are scratched now and I don't have the backup files I should any more. 

I thought s1 and s2 of Rick and Morty were just ok, but S3 had me dying laughing for whatever reason. 

I Played Some Games & I Went On A Soup Run

Posted on 10/17/2018 at 04:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I bought my "gaming laptop" in order to run the Adobe Suite and since it's actually led to a job, I think it was worth it. But if it's only for gaming, I'd ask how many you think are worth dropping that kind of money to play again. 

Now I want soup. 

Funny Story

Posted on 10/16/2018 at 09:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There are a couple in Dallas, but they're updated enough. 

The "hall" in Nacogdoches (rural part of Texas where I went to college) was a bit more 90s, as is the Lufkin one. I miss their Hot Topic. lol 

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