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Super Step's Comments - Page 189

Episode 138: Check Out Our Huge Sacks

Posted on 09/27/2018 at 12:08 PM | Filed Under Feature

1. TimeSplitters, and typing that makes me think there's been a similar Stage Select before? Feel like I said that for another one. FPS games need more monkeys.

2. F-Zero. Dammit, Nintendo. Gimme. That is all. 

3. Rival Schools x Bust a Groove ... you gave me three slots, so I cheated and put a crossover game of two dormant franchises here. Both gameplay styles in the same place. Booyah. 

Since we talked about a mini console, who wants to bet whether Driver or Driver 2 shows up on PlayStation Classic? Not part of my list, just a question. Man, my cheating skills are great. TyroneSwift even cheated for me by listing Road Rage. 

Time to go to Vegas. 

330 a.m. on 9/26

Posted on 09/27/2018 at 04:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The WIOA thing I was told about is, I believe, a federal program.

I've never understood why people think McDonald's is more gross than other fast food joints. Gross, sure, but for the price ... ok, Wendy's is a lot more fresh, has a great dollar menu, and leaves me feeling less sad, but I was going somewhere with this. 

Today with My Wii-U and Xbox 360

Posted on 09/27/2018 at 04:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Clone Wars the game or the TV show?

Episode 138: Check Out Our Huge Sacks

Posted on 09/26/2018 at 06:10 PM | Filed Under Feature

Yeah, I should buy a legit mic ... sorry for the interruptions by potato. In my defense, I think a lot of that is compression, cause it sounds ok on my laptop (and in WAV format) but still. 

Enjoying the edits like music on Patrick's sack attack that weren't in the original podcast track and I certainly hope despite my audio being whack you guys decide at some point to bring me back. 

330 a.m. on 9/26

Posted on 09/26/2018 at 06:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The one I'm playing now has a potentially heartwarming story and adorable art direction, but oh my God. WHERE HAVE I NOT CLICKED?!

Calypso's funny so far. Too bad my shit day prevented me from reading it. 

Welcome to the Iron Fist fan club and/or anonymous meeting. 

I really need to watch The Dragon Prince. My only complaint about the trailer would be that I don't always love the CGI in those shows, but I can overlook it for the well-done storytelling and otherwise fantastic animation. 

330 a.m. on 9/26

Posted on 09/26/2018 at 10:13 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Ah cool. It'll be interesting to see how it's different from playing with a mouse. 

Quick Thoughts: Bloodborne

Posted on 09/26/2018 at 10:12 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I have Bloodborne, but never played past the first part where I got stuck. 

Since Halloween is coming, I might try to rectify that, but I'll probably play some RE title (never played the series outside of a few minutes of RE4) instead if I get stuck again. 

Tank! Aven Colony and Bomber Crew

Posted on 09/26/2018 at 04:31 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm sorry your bomb crew crashed, mostly cause i think you said i was on it, but you'll come back and give em hell. 


Posted on 09/26/2018 at 04:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I was largely able to get most of my more impressive looking experience from being a student worker and was hired as a prof because my own profs liked me, so I can't say college was a total waste for me, but I should have spent way more time working on my portfolio and less on my GPA if I don't get that doctorate. 

But the guy teaching us mandatory re-employment training said he'd seen someone with just a certification get an 80,000 year project management gig while he has a 4 year degree in that and works in the Workforce commission office for 40,000


Posted on 09/26/2018 at 04:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Good to hear, but the veteran who spoke to us at mandatory re-employment training said not to expect a job waiting for you once out of military ... 

But he also said someone got an $80,000 project management gig from certifications, so I do plan to utilize this free schooling I apparently get. 


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