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Super Step's Comments - Page 190

God of War & Okami

Posted on 09/25/2018 at 04:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm playing the HD version on PS4.

I'm not really into Kratos as a character so far either, but it isn't bothering me too much. 


Posted on 09/25/2018 at 04:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My brother did that once and I still remember my aunt being annoyed and using her regular stuff behind his back. Apparently though, they give you free certification trainings if you're unemployed, so I'm hoping for one of those sweet project management gigs that pay $80,000 a year our re-employment instructor mentioned getting someone. Said he has a degree in that stuff, but she got hired with just the cert!

And yeah, Stephen Colbert saying to Frasier (forget his real name) that he didn't want the Colbert Report gig, but took it from his agent cause he "just needed a job" has been on my mind a lot. It's interesting where stuff goes ...

Marvel's Spider-Man Review

Posted on 09/25/2018 at 11:33 AM | Filed Under Review

It's surprisingly compact for a sandbox game. New York feels HUGE if you're exporing on ground level, but Spidey can swing through it pretty quickly. 

It is very Ubisoft checklist in many regards, but I had enough fun exploring I didn't mind. 

God of War & Okami

Posted on 09/25/2018 at 11:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm getting a bit more into the game as it goes along and I power up, and I've been enjoying the landscapes and scenery enough to push through, although the mountain was admittedly kinda bleh. 

Quick Thoughts: Bomb Chicken

Posted on 09/25/2018 at 10:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I have nothing to add except that going from jump button to no jump button is always jarring. Going from Spider-Man, where movement is very fluid, to God of War, where there is no jump button and your character is a bit heavy, messes with my mind a bit for the first few minutes. 

God of War & Okami

Posted on 09/25/2018 at 10:18 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I probably would still have liked Twilight Princess better, cause there are certain things about Okami that feel very outdated now. I'll reserve judgment though, cause I've beaten TP while I think I'm still in the beginning of Okami more or less. 

Marvel's Spider-Man Review

Posted on 09/25/2018 at 10:15 AM | Filed Under Review

I couldn't disagree more about the side content involving drones and the bombs; those were agony. At least with the combat and stealth challenges, there's a reason to level up, gain new abilities and come back ready to nail it. The drone sections especially suffer from the same issues I had with the Gravity Rush games, where geometry gets in the way at exactly the worst moments in exactly the worst and most annoying possible ways and it's more difficult than it needs to be to course-correct. 

Otherwise, I pretty much agree with this review, except that I wished they'd hept Mr. Negative as the main villain or used someone else as the last boss instead of going so far into famiiar territory with the ending. Also, I was annoyed by the MJ and Miles stealth missions as well (except for the apartment, because it was interesting to explore from a fan service standpoint), but it didn't feel like a whole quarter of the game to me. Maybe 10-15%? Either way, I agree they weren't great, and were extremely linear. 

I thought stealth felt VERY similar to Arkham games, though harder to execute without any night vision gadgets and sometimes missions that ask you to use stealth in the open world just don't lend themselves to it. 

I thought the combat was very much unique to Spider-Man, which I didn't mind at all, and like you I found a reason to use most every gadget. 

As far as traversal, I agree with what everyone has said so far, but I'm just a bit underwhelmed compared to all the glowing reviews of it. This seriously could have been fixed for me by simply making L2 a left swing button. Everything else is pretty much perfect (also I hated those science missions where you plugged water towers, etc. ... even with slowing down, those never feel natural within the game's geometry and how traversal interacts with it). 

I actually rode the subway quite a bit ... mostly when I ran out of pictures of NY to take in an area, cause that was one of my favorite things to do. The level of detail is incredible. 

Anyway, I'd say it's a pretty good Spider-Man game with more potential, if for completely different reasons than you found to say so. I'm looking forward to the DLC. 

God of War & Okami

Posted on 09/25/2018 at 08:14 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't mean literal system slowdown, just that to color those trees, the game stops and everything goes black and white for a moment for you to do it, and I kind of wish they'd have assigned a button for something you do that often.

God of War & Okami

Posted on 09/24/2018 at 11:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd love it more if it didn't slow the game down (both cases). 

God of War & Okami

Posted on 09/24/2018 at 10:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I could be wrong, but I don't think this reboot is quite AS combat heavy as the PS2 games (which I honestly might end up preferring for that reason), or at least the combat is more strategic than button mashy. Never played any of the OG GoW games though, so I could be all wrong. 

It's still a bit clunky now, to be honest, re: Okami. That camera's lack of inversion is ... off. And there are a lot of dialogue boxes I really wish it let you speed up. It has its issues, but it's calming enough. 

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