Posted on 06/25/2013 at 05:56 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I had a friend in high school who was a Jehova's Witness. Upon graduation he bailed on the town and his entire family,went out to California. Said his family would disown him and never speak to him again. Did not matter to him,he wanted to have a life. Said the rules he had to live by were too oppressive to take any more. Sums up exactly why I don't go to a church. This world puts enough rules on us as it is without inviting more! Hypocrites are in abundance in our local churches,too. The bullshit they preach has nothing to do with Christ or his teachings. So no,I'm not the least bit offended. Everyone's got a right to their own opinion. Seems like there are far too many people in politics right now who want to enforce their religious doctrines down our throats. It's wrong and it's more evil than anything they scream about. The bottom line is it's about control. It makes them feel safe and powerful to dictate how others may live.