Thanks and i'm quite glad to see you around these parts again.
Thanks and i'm quite glad to see you around these parts again.
Do it man, maybe you can rage at me everytime I like a movie you don't :P
I've actually managed to see your mii when I visited the liked post of Captain N. Damn son!
Probably has to do with taxes and yeah, I commented that to another user (NSonic), but that had to with Brazil and how apparently because of that, the Wii U hasn't been in the country since last year or so. The taxes and Brazil situation was done in an episode of Extra Credits, back when I was a viewer of them.
My first semester was also pretty tough, but in the end I did very well on all the subjects. I just think I got overly confident on the second semester, so it explains my results.
The weird thing is, Colombia was never denied the services on the original Wii. We still have the Virtual Console and Wii Ware on that one. How they couldn't put them on the Wii U is beyond my comprehension, though maybe there's something to do with rights and licenses.
Did you make it intentionally horrible, or do you just hate your face? :P
.... Oh Ubisoft, you cheeky bastards.
Woah, I didn't know Siege comes with the Vegas games.
Glad too see you active again.
Rare Replay it's one of the few things that make me want an Xbone (that and Halo in general). Rare did a very wise choice with its pricing.
Man, since i've been unactive around here, you scared me by thinking you were leaving this site.
Congrats on the new job!
I am really late to the party on this blog, but welcome to the Wii U generation! If I would like to make a recommendation, grab the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 port.
I've got the original Wii trilogy and maybe it's me having that one as basically my 7th gen console, but I never had a problem with the motion controls. For me they work fantastic and are well done.
I do think I have played more than five that could count as underrated and it really depends in which part is considered underrated or not, but five I can think from the top of my head: Jet Set Radio Future, Risk of Rain, Cave Story, Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X and Frozen Synapse.