I'm proabably less informed on this than you are, I was just saying a lot of big announcements for the Switch are ports.
I'm proabably less informed on this than you are, I was just saying a lot of big announcements for the Switch are ports.
Really? They seem to be porting everything to the Switch. But I guess if it's not the games you want, then how many there are kinda doesn't matter.
I've actually been getting through the level fine without any gears, but there was a falling block near what I think is the end of the level where I'm ashamed to admit I couldn't figure out how to exit the thing before getting sawed to death.
Initially I thought, "what, does Mega Man have a morph ball mode I'm unaware of?" but it turns out (after watching a YouTube video of it) it's just that you have to jump and do a slide to fir through that hole.
Ya ever spend way too long trying to figure something out in a video game, only to see someone else take a second and treat it like it's not even meant to be a challenge? I guess in my defense, the person playing it said they'd played the demo a bunch, but still. Not proud of myself.
And before this happened I was told you could press down to make the long jumps in F-Zero. FML
Not sure if 2010 to 2014 is what I'd consider retro, since we're in the same decade; but I guess going by exact definition it works. lol
Yeah, there's some stuff I'd love to have on Wii U, but I think I'd wait until it's ported to Switch. Remembered the other day Bayonetta is on PC now and I think I may play it that way.
Eh, I dunno. Every time it "evolves past" on-rails, I end up disliking the sections that are not on-rails. Except in the case of Adventure, where the dog fights were meh and the adventuring was actually pretty good.
Wait, where did you come from?! lol
I have nostalgia for the SNES game, but it does look pretty ancient now that I play it on my SNES Classic. Star Fox 64 blew kid me away with its graphics and there's still a particular ad for the rumble pack I distinctly remember but can't find of a kid's house falling apart as he plays Star Fox. Maybe I only imagined that and am remembering my imagination.
I certainly didn't hate Star Fox Adventures, in fact I thought that game was pretty good. No, it wasn't a traditional Star Fox game, but that doesn't make it bad. I might buy a copy next time I'm in Game X Change.
In fact, when I played Star Fox Assault, is was much closer to an actual Star Fox game, but didn't captivate me the way Adventures had. Granted, that was largely due to the difficulty and those on-foot levels you mentioned, even if I didn't think they were THAT bad. My older brother bought me a used copy for my birthday once, so maybe I should break that out.
I have no interest in RTS, so while I hope to play more of Star Fox 2, Command just doesn't interest me. I didn't have a Wii U to play Zero, so no real opinion there either, I've just heard the gimmicky controls are annoying, which is a turn-off.
I'm bummed I can't play as Fox as a PS4 owner, but I'll still give it a shot if it gets good reviews from fans and critics.
Ultimately, Star Fox 64 is one of my favorite games and will remain that way because of nostalgia from Christmas 1997, but maybe on-rails shooters just won't sell like they used to. Maybe open-world is the answer to that, even if I'm hoping space isn't an excuse to make an empty world.
Great write-up, man. I miss Star Fox. And F-Zero ...
This one is an all-yakuza special; I just recorded a regular episode last night with Julian and Patrick that should be out next week I think.
What's your current game?
Aaaaand I've played none of this.