I jumped at the 3DS XL this week because it was $175 this week. I probably would have waited otherwise.
I jumped at the 3DS XL this week because it was $175 this week. I probably would have waited otherwise.
I picked up okamiden a while back, but never actually played it. I was stupid enough to gte pokemon white at the same time. I did mess around with blue a long time ago, but White was technically my first pokemon game.
I am sure that it will kill my wallet. Stupid virtual console.
I would say Yellow. Yellow and black contrast in such a wonderful way.
The XL screen size is awesome. I actually cannot wait to pull out some of my DS games and play them without needing to squint at all.
The Vita is compelling because I already have 20 or so psone classics that should work on the Vita.
I am finding interesting how much I enjoy listening to people talk about videogames. It makes no sense.
A rabbit, that scenario sounds so very familiar.
Exactly what I was thinking. Having banners all over the store saying 9.25 score probably helped sales for them.
I had my suspicions back when they had the highest score for Prey.
You are bringing back all of the awesome memories of being a kid. I think that I may have had that exact set, I do not remember though. Nowadays all of the Legos are stored with my oldest brother in 3 or 4 large rubbermaid containers. He has them because he also has kids who are the perfect age for Legos.