I for sure am for that reason, If this can help someone out then that makes me happy and def worth it.
I for sure am for that reason, If this can help someone out then that makes me happy and def worth it.
Im going to look that up, right now Im doing good staying away from sodas but ya never know. I weighed today and so far im down 2 pounds from th last time I weighed like 40 days ago,lol!
Im going to hell for sure, I laughed all the way through it....lol!
I think Idid pretty well this month, I wonder how well March will be,lol! I wish I could have seen that in theaters. It did have some good fight scenes though for a comedy one.
Im def considring buying that as well. It looks really good from all I have seen and the music to it is addicting!
I personally felt this was an alright game, it wasnt something that occipied my attention span long but me and my sister did useit to wind down and relax when we were kids. We also had the the pickachu game where you talk to him...now that was some creepy crap.
I want that one too! Im doomed in March I tell you....March is like August-October for me back in 2012, too many darn games to get!
Lets keep hopeing C.S., for now its still in limbo but hopefully that will change.
I def know that feeling, my job wears me out mentally and psycially but stuff like this keeps me treading. Im more happy and glad to do this though for yall, yall have given me a lot that I prolly and never express or give back enough to repay but if I can help in any way, then im going to!
Im happy to do them, positive inspiration and motivation can help someone in so many ways. I just didnt want to do a blog overload with the movitional image blog already being daily for the most part now. I like blogging here whether its gaming or personal. This site is my favorite because the people here are amazing! Thanks Michael!