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Michael117's Comments - Page 21

Celebrating Five Years of PixlBit

Posted on 09/25/2014 at 12:03 AM | Filed Under Feature

What actually happened with that? Did that contest ever come to a conclusion? *spoilers* I voted for you.

Master Chief and Samus teamed up and fought the Reapers together in order to earn us the freedom to vote on community polls at Pixlbit. I demand a recount, we can't just ask Chief and Samus to fight the Reapers all over again.

Celebrating Five Years of PixlBit

Posted on 09/24/2014 at 06:36 PM | Filed Under Feature

Happy Birthday Pixlbit Cool

I suppose I could stick around and bother you guys for even longer.

Here's to another five years of M-117 dropping walls of text to tell you things that could definitely be articulated better in less than half the space by a better writer.

P.S.  Golf got no limits. PGA Tour 15 is still the truth.

Who Would Win?

Posted on 09/23/2014 at 06:16 PM | Filed Under Feature

Me too Smile

I like Alien even more, but despite how much I love the original I still don't own a copy of it after all these years. I need to get the bluray of it soon so I can watch it again before Alien Isolation comes out in two weeks. 

Who Would Win?

Posted on 09/23/2014 at 06:04 PM | Filed Under Feature

Who Would Win?

Posted on 09/23/2014 at 02:19 PM | Filed Under Feature


Big Daddies are pretty tough but they are vulnerable to everything and can take damage in any variety of ways. Handymen are only vulnerable to damage by hitting them in the heart, otherwise they don't take any damage at all. The chances of a melee Big Daddy getting close to the heart without the Handyman beating him to death or jumping out of the way are slim.

Big Daddies can't even jump! Open and shut case.

Who Would Win?

Posted on 09/22/2014 at 07:34 PM | Filed Under Feature

Handyman wins in all scenarios because he can jump around like a gorilla and is much stronger and faster than a Big Daddy. The only slim chance a Big Daddy has is if he can thrust the drill into the Handyman's heart (the weakspot you have to shoot in Infinite).

If the rules were different and the Big Daddy was allowed to have the rivet gun, things would be way more even and he could shoot the Handyman's weak spot from a distance.

But, seeing that the Big Daddy only has the drill, he loses everytime. Handyman probably wins in each scenario.

Ive Been M.I.A. & Updates

Posted on 09/22/2014 at 07:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Good to hear your sister walked away mostly unhurt from the accident. Also, happy late 25th birthday! I turn 27 in December.

I fell behind on The Strain. I only caught the first four episodes and then decided to stop and wait till it's on Hulu or Netflix. The Strain aires at like 11pm here in the mountain time zone, and I'm usually trying to fall asleep by that time to be ready for school on Mondays, so I'll wait till I can binge watch it on a streaming service.

Episode 54: You, Me, and the ESRB

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 10:28 PM | Filed Under Feature

I've been consuming lots of Orange is the New Black the past week, trying to finish the second season still.

Haven't had as much time to game as usual because of homework, but I've been getting through more of Borderlands 2 this week. A lot of the core gameplay is still fun but I'm pretty sure I don't actually like the game as a whole. It's too big of a game for me to finish in any reasonable timeframe, and I'm playing alone so there are difficulty spikes that were clearly meant to facilitate some more firepower and angles of attack. It's a neat game in short bursts though, and I wanted to play a shooter this week. Destiny came out and I lost most of my interest in playing it once I watched all the Giant Bomb content on it and got a better sense of what that game actually is. Looks gorgeous, has one of the better UIs I've ever seen in a console game, and the gunplay looks fine, but everything else seems like it's not a game I want to play right now.

Being a huge Halo and Bungie fan it's odd I don't want to play the new game, but I'm not necessarily disappointed or sad about any of it. Destiny looks like it'll be a great franchise for some people but I'm not sure I'll ever get on board. I'd actually rather go buy the Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil edition. I'm definitely going to grab Diablo for console, but I want to make sure I'll be able to afford Alien Isolation and Dragon Age 3 first.

Of all things, I'm actually really excited to get the new CoD, Advanced Warfare. Super dumb name aside, and the brand confusion with Tom Clancy's Advanced Warfighter aside, the new one looks genuinely cool when they demo it, both the campaign and multiplayer. My relationship with the franchise is similar to Julian's relationship with Assassin's Creed, I tend to skip a few before hopping back in, so when I see one that piques my interest I don't have to worry about feeling burnt out. I think I enjoy CoD games more than Julian enjoys Assassin's Creed, but the general idea is similar.

Most shooters are going for more sci-fi now, and almost all of the big ones are changing up movement mechanics pretty dramatically in ways I think are more fun. Titanfall, Destiny and CoD all have jetpacks, more verticality, and generally more interesting horizontal and vertical movement. They're all similar on paper but each of those games seem to have unique feels to them.

One thing that excites me is seeing the grenades that have thrusters on them, which causes the grenade to hover once you throw it, and then it seeks out an enemy to hit in the direction you're pointing towards. Meaning you don't have to worry about the angle of throwing with that type of grenade, and you can hit somebody behind cover. Using grenades in most shooters is a pain, especially in CoD historically, because they're only effective in specific situations and then only if you're good at guessing the angles, timing, and throwing strength on the fly. The new grenades look way more fun. Within reasonable limits they can basically do half the work for you and you get right back to sighting up new baddies, making combat faster and more exciting.

Also, you can double jump and jet to the sides in midair. In general it seems to have the tight controls, low latency, and satisfying sound design/particle effects that make CoD snap, crackle, pop, and feel sharp, but now you have some fundamental changes to movement that give you some more agency in firefights. How good they actually use it, and how good the level design offers you ways to exploit the new mechanics is yet to be seen, but it at least demos super well. Genuinely excited for the new CoD. This year is full of new shooters with dumb throwaway stories, sci-fi aesthetics, and sweet new movement mechanics. CoD looks like a pretty rad one of those.

The only reason I didn't comment on gamergate is because Angleo said everything I needed to say. Loved the discussion on the ESRB, it was fantastic to get John's perspective on it and see how game ratings compare and contrast with film and comics. This was a really good episode.

Episode 53: NWP's Summer Vacation

Posted on 09/08/2014 at 04:48 PM | Filed Under Feature

It's nice Angelo's enjoying Doom3 BFG edition, I haven't grabbed that quite yet but I plan on it. The BFG edition also comes with the huge Resurection of Evil expansion of Doom 3 doesn't it? I've played through Doom 3 and RoE multiple times each and liked them both. RoE is good, in some ways I enjoy it even more than the vanilla game.

The expansion adds a version of the gravity gun from Half Life 2 and you have some puzzles and combat you can do with it like you would in HL2. It also adds a double barrel shotgun that's suppose to be reminiscent of the shotgun from Doom II. Last time I played the expansion was a while ago but I remember that shotgun being pretty great. It usually kills most enemies in one shot.

Blog #19

Posted on 09/08/2014 at 10:11 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm playing a good karma character in New Vegas, and I tried to keep on good terms with all the factions as long as possible, but that's tough to do with the Legion. At some point I did too many things against the Legion's interests and when I went to The Fort and talked with Caesar he ordered everybody to attack me and I died.

So I reloaded my most recent save, to the point right before I entered Caesar's tent, and then I snuck into his tent with a stealth boy on and assassinated him; blew his head clean off. Then I took out all of his dogs and highest ranking guards in the tent with him. Then I slowly and sneakily made my way around the whole Fort killing all the Legionares that I could find with my silenced 45 Auto pistol. Eventually I cleared the whole base and it felt super good lol. Needless to say I've made enemies out of Legionaries everywhere.

Did you ever have groups of Legion assassins hunt you down while you were out exploring? That happened to me all the time, even when I was on good terms with Caesar. And those jerks are really tough to fight, they're always armed with powerful weapons and they hunt you in groups of 5 or so. That always pissed me off, Caesar was talking to me for the longest time like I was still a friend to the Legion but secretly sending assassins after me. It felt good to finally get some payback when I assassinated Caesar in his tent.

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