Looks and runs gorgeous, one of my favorite games too. Had to buy it.
Looks and runs gorgeous, one of my favorite games too. Had to buy it.
I am doing the same, filling holes in the PS3 collection. Just bought Orange Box and Portal 2 recently because I had a sudden urge to have the Valve games.
I sure hope I play it, lol. If not, I have a good PS1 collection going that I am happy to add to it.
I think the PS4 was a good choice, but keep in mind, I am a Playstation guy. MGSV: Ground Zeroes is my favorite PS4 game, but also, MGS is my favorite series, lol.
I kind of have wanted to buy LEGO Marvel since it came out, I just haven't yet for some reason. Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition is probably my next purchase. I held off on it for PS3 putting all my anticipation in the PS4 version. It's almost here, finally!
True. And I don't think Skyrim is bad at all, just not my type of game. I did enjoy Red Dead Redemption quite a bit, it was more straight forward with it's story.
Metal Gear Solid is my favorite series in gaming and with Phantom Pain going open world, I do not forsee that from stopping me from playing it. In fact, I loved Ground Zeroes.
Sony was doing that $10 upcharge when next gen first started. Not anymore though... :(
Now you have to rely on Gamestop for stuff like that.
Going a bit against the grain of the rest of the comments, I never could get into Skyrim. To me the open world aspect to Skyrim made it feel as though I had to "find" the story, which did not sit well with me at all. To me it was more of a chore to play Skyrim than it was fun. Open world games in general are just that way to me.
Continuing playing both XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Darksiders. I hear that Gamestop is doing a special that if you trade in The Last of Us for PS3, you can get the PS4 version for $25. May do it, worth it to me because I love that game and I only paid $25 for the PS3 version during the Amazon Black Friday Sales.
sounds like a cool idea. Demon's Souls would be a good pick, the discussions could be great.
Arkham Asylym is a good choice. i liked that game alot, but since you've practically beat it, i suggested Tomb Raider...