Yamaha is a great kit and of the two i would recommend a good Ludwig is another one.
Yamaha is a great kit and of the two i would recommend a good Ludwig is another one.
Well back when i owned a 60 gig Ps3 i would play ps1 & 2 games on it and loved it now with that said i know nothing about the Vita or the newer ps3s but its not looking promising with what you said lol.
Awesome man congrats Ubisoft rocks.
Yea you sound like your having a rough one hope everything chills out for ya, and i was looking at that Animal Crossing 3DS and really had to get out of there before i bought the whole thing lol after reading all the blogs on here about the 3ds games im thinking more and more of getting one.
Well personally i think everyone is paronoid cause first off thats against the law federal law at that so i really dont think they could get away with that, and as far as consoles going to handhelds and phones i really dont think they will cause theres someone who will step up and put out a console and clean house with the competition, personally i wish i had the money cause i would make a basic console just for games of course it would be online and have dlc and games and all but thats it games only if it wasnt associated with games it wouldnt be there.
Lone Star and the kind lol.yea we could set up a swap i will get you a list next time im buying beer and let you know ok.
Yea i have to agree but with that said it does have an HD upgrade that looks sweet.
Yea mine to but im so addicted to games lol and i was looking at kits and found this Tama set what do ya think?
The expansion is on the same disc as the game although there is a second disc that you load to the HD and to go straight to Bitter Back Isle you go to the peir in the firstt villge you start the game at and there.is a lady standing there and when you talk to her it begins the Bitter Back Isle quest and let me fore warn you DO NOT!!! go there unless your at least level 50 but would be better to be at a 100 its very tough and dangerous and theres a creature called death that will stalk you and can kill you in one shot youve been warned lol.
I do agree that Don Knotts and Luigi act just alike maybe he was an influence.