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GeminiMan78's Comments - Page 22

Thorella??? To cater or not to cater...

Posted on 07/19/2014 at 08:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree with Jenny Lorenzo, I'm not really against a female taking on the role of Thor, but why not just put more attention on one of the many already established female characters or create a completely new character if the idea is to bring more girl power to the table. In the case of Thor, the charater is basically masculinity personified. Now they did do the gender swap thing with Loki, but Loki is well, kind of androginous in the first place so it works. But I understand the bigger issue here at question is the change purely for the sake of artistic exploration or to be more PR and or just a way to drum up publisity. In my opinion as long as the stories and art are on spot, I'm down to see where it goes.

Am I A Millenial?

Posted on 07/15/2014 at 08:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not really big on any of the labels, but from what I remember hearing the classification was kids born between 70 & 80 were gen X, kids born between 80 & 90 were gen Y, and 90 to 2000 were millenials. But of course this leave room for cross over and like you mentioned the influence of older siblings can make a person feel more akin to one generation vs another. So if you were born in the early 90's your kind of a gen Y millenial hybred with some gen X thrown in. I was born in 78 so I'm like on the tail end of the gen X spectrum. I 'm closer to being a gen Y, yet I grew up listening to music from the 60's & 70's , we didn't watch too much tv, and we did not get a Nintendo until 1991. That's why the labels are kind of silly to me because not everyone was raised the same or had the same experiences. Maybe I just don't understand the point of them. 

Never Go Full Retard (Coal Rolling)

Posted on 07/09/2014 at 09:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow, this would be like a pro gun activist shooting himself and each memeber of his family in the foot. Stuff like this is why I will never win the lottery because I would hunt people like this down and creatively "modify" their trucks. Human stupidity never fails to amaze me. 

Battleborn Trailer

Posted on 07/09/2014 at 08:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Gearbox has proven they can make a fun co-op rpg style shooter so this should be good. Not too familiar with the moba genre but I'll be down if I got a PS4 by then. Yeah with the BLpreseq just around the corner there is no rush for BL3. Especially if they pile on the dlc like they did with BL2. I have been playing BL2 from day one and I'm still 

Final Fantasy IX is 14 Years Old!!!

Posted on 07/09/2014 at 08:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I toltally agree, this game is way underated. I think part of the reason it was so good was because the big three; Sakiguchi, Amano, and Uematsu wanted to take the series back to its roots. 4 member parties, set classes, a completely new but vintage feeling world that took the series back to a more romantic setting. I have probaly said this before but to me this is the last true Final Fantasy. Let the series end on a high note. I have no love for FFX and F12 was fun and a good game in its own right, but it just does not feel like Final Fantasy to me. I think another reason why some folks did not embrace it the way they did FF7 was because it was the toughest FF to hit U.S shores since FF4. Not that it was as difficult as FF4, that gem still holds that title. But it was timing too, the PS2 was fresh on the scene and Square seemed more intersted in pushing Bouncer.

Dolly Parton's vocals done by a guy and sped up like the Chipmunks

Posted on 07/04/2014 at 05:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ok after a second listen to both versions, I beleive its legit. The local college radio station does this all the times. They play a lot of vinyl and the 19 & 20 year dj's don't always understand the ancient equipment they are working with. Usually half way through a song it with either speed up or slow down where it supposed to be. And like you I felt some of the songs sounded better in an alternate

Dolly Parton's vocals done by a guy and sped up like the Chipmunks

Posted on 07/04/2014 at 05:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That was pretty cool. I have to say I agree with Super, I'm just a little skeptical. She has a really strong accent, it didn't sound as prevelant in the slow version. Actaully I need to listen to it  This is going to drive me crazy until I figure it out.

Felicia Garcia (My thoughts on what happened)

Posted on 07/03/2014 at 10:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Those polarities are about to get tested though with the Supreme court once again bungling the shit out of the Hobby Lobby case. I think they understimate how many non-christians or just non beleivers there are. Who are they going to side with next time when it's a Muslim owned company that requies all females to cover their heads even if they are not Muslim. The Christians are too short sighted to see this, and all the liberals could talk about was this being a blow to womens rights. Totaly missing the much bigger issue, the court ruled in favor of allow a company to impose its religious veiws on its employees. That is the scariest shit and everyone seems to be oblivious to it. And this was also another example of extremism. 4 conservative Catholic men with legacies to build and maintain are not about to vote in favor of anything that even smells like abortion. Anyway, sorry got a little off topic, that shit just really pisses me off

Felicia Garcia (My thoughts on what happened)

Posted on 07/03/2014 at 09:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think bulling should be made into a misdemanor offense so long as it can be fairly proved. As for equality of the sexes, I am a Buddhist/Tao'ist so I'm all about balance. The problem is there is a lack of understanding and worse the lack to want to understand the other persons perspective. I read a story just the other day about these Japanese politions heckling a fellow female law maker when she presented ideas for helping women with child care programs. It rediculous that wmoen still make less then men. We all no it's wrong yet its still happening. And I don't see the man haters doing anything about. The problem with this country is this "all or nothing"," blue team or red team", bullshit. No can be reasonable, everyone has to take it to the extrememe. It very sad about the girl, but that whole situation could have been avoided with parents doing their job and our schools teaching REAL sex ed in out schools. 

Valiant Hearts out Tuesday

Posted on 06/23/2014 at 09:44 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I had almost forgot about this game. Looked really cool and yes I do believe it is set during WWI. They should make more WWI themed games.

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