Posted on 06/18/2013 at 12:00 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
Since I'm an engineer who happens to like geeky things like science, video games, comic books, etc., I often get asked if I like this show. It’s almost always people I’m meeting for the first time though, so I can never tell them how annoying I find it because I don’t want to offend them. It’s odd though, because I hate it for the same reasons as you, but a lot of geeks I’ve met like it and so do a lot of otherwise smart people. But then again, just because someone likes geeky things doesn’t make them intelligent, and just because someone may be smart doesn’t mean they have good taste. And of course, taste is subjective…but mines still better than everyone else’s. :)
But as annoying as I find the show, I won’t judge someone who likes it. I’m sure most people have something embarrassing they watch. Hell, I’ve watched every new Vampire Dairies episode the week they came out for 4 years straight now (or however long it's been on). I watch it with my girlfriend, so I could use that as an excuse, but I have to admit I find it entertaining. I also watch New Girl. I originally watched the first episode just because I find Zooey Daschnel cute, but I actually think it’s pretty funny.
By the way, since I love pretty much all the same tv shows as you, I ended up watching Black Books a while ago due to you talking about it. Great recommendation!