Posted on 03/05/2013 at 02:34 PM
| Filed Under Feature
I 100% agree, Jesse. How can EA not see that diluting a game to the lowest common denominator in terms of appeal (while increasing the budget drastically) will hurt them financially? In a market oversaturated with the action genre, how do they intend to create a work that will stand apart and earn them profits when to a lot gamers, "more of the same" certainly doesn't warrant a $60 investment?
GREAT GAMES are what establishes both sturdy financial footing for a publisher and its developers, not this philosophy of assimilating all gaming properties into genres that may have proved successful for 1 or 2 other titles. Look at Skyrim - $100,000,000 budget, with none of what these Jack Donaghy (not realizing the humor in it) worshipping publishers would bank on to be successful, and the game went on to become a MASSIVE success because it appealed to both old fans and new by listening to FANS, not studying faulty-developed statistics and spreadsheets.
These MBA's running the publishers obviously don't grasp simple supply and demand economics; if they did, they wouldn't waste their time overhauling successful IP's to make them more like properties which, if you take RE6 as an example, are failing outright.
How many times do publishers have to ram their head against a wall to see that it hurts? This is especially sad when it means people are losing their jobs, and even worse is the fact that the people facing unemployment are not the ones responsible for the hot mess in the first place.