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Justin Matkowski's Comments - Page 22

What Do You Do For a Living?

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 02:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm a Freelance Art Director - my specialty being photo manipulation and Photographic Art Direction. I love what I do, especially those "anything is possible, take the ball and run with it" kind of gigs where you can really experiment with some awesome-looking imagery and concepts!

A Case For MODern Times: Why Mods Should Be Embraced.

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 02:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

If you are into emulation, there is a truly astounding number of MODs for classic titles from the 8 and 16 bit eras. There are dozens and dozens of great MODs for Super Mario World alone! Go forth, discover them, and most importantly, have fun! :)

A Case For MODern Times: Why Mods Should Be Embraced.

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 02:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Very much agreed, and in my opinion it is a huge feather in the cap of Capcom to have embraced that attitude and used their pull as a vehicle to get Street Fighter X Mega Man to as many people as possible. Could it have used more polish? Sure, but this idea of community and studio collaboration is still in its infancy in the broad sense.

I remember reading about that Chrono Trigger sequel, and was really disheartened when Square Enix crushed it. It was harmful to the project, and also to Square - given there recent gaming ventures, a very solid title in a much beloved franchise could have really helped them. There was a fan-made HD remake of CT in the works as well, but it looks like that is in legal trouble as well. Big gaming needs to stop acting like a child hoarding their toys and embrace a more forward-thinking, creative mentality towards these kinds of ideas.

A Case For MODern Times: Why Mods Should Be Embraced.

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 01:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thank you my friend! MERP was shaping up to be a groundbreaking project; should WB, Bethesda, and MERP's creators have joined forces, they could have had a MASSIVE success on their hands. I agree whole-heartedly, an open world game in the Tolkien universe makes so much sense, and the pure spectacle of it would have made exploring Middle Earth an incredible experience.

Doom is a perfect example of what can be achieved when the publisher and studio have a foward-thinking attitude towards modding; the fact that people still play DOOM II online is a huge testament to ID Software's ingenuity in embracing it's fanbase, and it's awesome that a classic still gets its due so long after its release. And in the end, it is beneficial not only for the fans, but for ID as well to have their IP still thriving and evolving with technology.

A Case For MODern Times: Why Mods Should Be Embraced.

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 01:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks Joe! Seeing games like Street Fighter X Mega Man reach the light of day is refreshing, and hopefully a sign of things to come. I truly believe community contribution, and gamer/studio collaborations are the future of the industry - it supports a strong, thriving fan base and is far more financially stable than the AAA blockbuster title model.

A Case For MODern Times: Why Mods Should Be Embraced.

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 01:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks Matt! I agree; Intellectual Property should be protected, but a lot of time more time and a whole lot of money gets wasted over legal dispuits when instead there could be some seriously fantastic collaboration happening. Also the laws protecting IP seem to be in dire need of re-evaluating; it seems like a lot of bullying on the part of the big companies, who attack people who are creating a labor of love.

Cleaning out my locker at 1UP

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 02:37 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Welcome to Pixlbit man! Always good to see more familiar faces migrating over to Pixlbit. It certainly sucks what happened to 1up, but I'm really grateful for all their hard work and content over the years, and I'm glad to have found another true gaming site with journalistic integrity and an awesome community.

Crystalis: The Game Zelda II Should've Been

Posted on 03/05/2013 at 02:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thank you for bringing this game to my attention; it looks absolutely awesome! Looking forward to playing this - and the whole Medieval post-apocalyptic future is a different take that conjoins the story and look of the game in a really cool way.

Rage Quit - Bloated Budgets

Posted on 03/05/2013 at 02:34 PM | Filed Under Feature

I 100% agree, Jesse. How can EA not see that diluting a game to the lowest common denominator in terms of appeal (while increasing the budget drastically) will hurt them financially? In a market oversaturated with the action genre, how do they intend to create a work that will stand apart and earn them profits when to a lot gamers, "more of the same" certainly doesn't warrant a $60 investment?

GREAT GAMES are what establishes both sturdy financial footing for a publisher and its developers, not this philosophy of assimilating all gaming properties into genres that may have proved successful for 1 or 2 other titles. Look at Skyrim - $100,000,000 budget, with none of what these Jack Donaghy (not realizing the humor in it) worshipping publishers would bank on to be successful, and the game went on to become a MASSIVE success because it appealed to both old fans and new by listening to FANS, not studying faulty-developed statistics and spreadsheets.

These MBA's running the publishers obviously don't grasp simple supply and demand economics; if they did, they wouldn't waste their time overhauling successful IP's to make them more like properties which, if you take RE6 as an example, are failing outright.

How many times do publishers have to ram their head against a wall to see that it hurts? This is especially sad when it means people are losing their jobs, and even worse is the fact that the people facing unemployment are not the ones responsible for the hot mess in the first place.

Just checking in

Posted on 03/05/2013 at 12:54 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad te site is going well dude!

I'm about to start Super Kaizo World 3. Wish me godspeed!

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