I never owned a 3DS, so I'd love everything to get ported to Switch, but ... who knows if I'll ever buy a Switch.
I never owned a 3DS, so I'd love everything to get ported to Switch, but ... who knows if I'll ever buy a Switch.
I only ever own one console per cycle cause money, but I have to say XBOX has shown that they're the best place to play third party titles, especially if you have an X. I just can't get past my Sony exclusives this gen. If I had unlimited money ...
It's the age group of your listeners (i.e. me) I think. Because we were all so young in the NES and SNES eras, we (or at least me) played the super-obvious classics that everyone had, like Super Mario World, Duck Hunt, Street Fighter II, etc., but once you go even just a bit more obscure it's a battle of what random title may have been rented or not at that age.
At least that would be my guess, based entirely on anecdotal experience and no hard data whatsoever.
Thanks. I'll find something.
Happy E3! Look forward to your articles on less-covered games.
I still really want to play a Fatal Frame ... And a GIMICKLESS Star Fox update FFS.
I think I'll be back at it again too. Hopefully soon. I would like to stay in Nacogdoches and now is the time to apply for education-related jobs, so that's a plus. Still need a new car and laptop.
JRPGs are ... And I realize I've said this like a broken record, so my apologies ... Just one of those genres I want and have tried so hard to get into, but just ...
Thanks, man. It's been a lot easier to keep my head up thanks to the run club I've joined and the connections I've made through it. Countless benefits to exercising with a group.
The two Guardians flicks for me are some of the most rewatchable of the Marvel movies. They're standard, but I think the characters are the most fun of the Marvel ones. I need to listen to more of Black Panther's soundtrack. I liked a couple songs in it for sure.
Garmin VivoSmart 3 does mileage, pace, HR, step count, stair count, etc. It didn't have a GPS though and I think that's why it might have been so "off." Initially I wanted it that way because I don't like having my movement tracked, but I may get one with GPS next time.
10 album challenge is just posting 10 covers of your favorite albums with no explanation, one for each day.
The Obama email armageddon (didn't have an affect on my vote one way or another, just pointing it out because I remember it vividly) was bad enough. Unsolicited texts? Hell no. At least email has a spam folder. I don't want anyone texting me unless I ask.
The one instance where I could see wanting political texts is to remind me of an upcoming vote; I believe Dallas County allows you to sign up for those notifications, which is fine because you ask for it. I should probably vote in Nacogdoches elections now anyway, but ... well, that's another story.
I know exactly what you mean about the school smell. Every time I have to pick up or visit my mom who works in the same 1st-8th school as when I went, I always wonder how they've maintained that smell after twenty years or so. I just know something about that smell gives me major anxiety and I need to get the hell out immediately upon smelling it. lol
I loved listening to "All My Friends Are Metalheads" while playing Street Sk8er back when. I was 8 at the time, so perfect title for the game. Also cool that the game doubles as a music CD should you want it to.
At first when you said "religious band," I was thinking, "wait? the one with the heroin song I used to think was about sex?" I was thinking of K's Choice. lol I don't think they're religious, but I don't really keep track, so who knows.
I looked up Relient K though and they have a good mid-2000s rock sound that's nostalgic for me, since I was in high school at that time. I don't necessarily recognize their songs, but the sound is definitely familiar in a good way for me. There are religious bands that would be nowhere without their religious label and fanbase and ones that can expand way further out, and Relient K sounds like the latter. They have a good sound, so good for them.
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon definitely looked more 8-bit than other new "8-bit" games and that's exciting. I really want to go on a cruise now; mainly for the food.
I really didn't know much about Final Fight, so that was interesting to hear.
What's a Culdcept Saga?