Haha. You're welcome.
Haha. You're welcome.
*sigh* everyone thinks I'm anti men. I want equality, or as close to equality as possible. I never said men were less important. I said that on average, women have it tougher. That is all I was saying.
I targeted MRA's this time, but in the past I have targeted "feminazis" for the exact same thing. I believe there is good on both sides, it's just that the bad speaks louder than the good.
Look, I attacked the MRA in this blog, but I've attacked the other side of the coin in the past. I wish for equality, not for this petty "our gender is better than yours" argument. What are we 12?
I know you're saying both parents are important, but "Also I know you know that a child has a higher chance of becoming a criminal, poor, or a rotten life in general, if they are brought up in a single parent home. In most cases, that single parent is a woman." is wrong on many different levels.
It isn't that a child needs a man in their life, it's that single parents often have too many responsibilities to spend enough time with their children. They have to take on both roles, regardless of gender. They have to work. They have to do the groceries. They have to do everything and find time to keep them safe, so no, it has nothing to do with gender on whether or not kids with one parent turn out okay, and I actually think that's not only a bullshit point, but completely fucked as well. It's like saying since most rape victims are women, it must be their fault.
Also, more proof that gender doesn't matter in parenting: http://www.bu.edu/today/2013/gay-parents-as-good-as-straight-ones/
Men aren't as important as women? Only in parenting. They're more important in most other cases. Men are still more successful than women in most fields unless it pertains to something child related.
I understand fully that "white males" don't always have it great, and privelege comes with circumstance. I was attacking a group of people whose only lack of privelege stems from their moral abhorrance and retardation. This goes for extreme feminism too. Don't think it's just MRM's that I hate, I have written blogs that are anti feminist as well.
I still believe women have it worse than men in most instances.
I didn't say we shouldn't say it. I say it literally all the nigga-licking time (there's an image for you). I just meant comparatively, is it worth fighting for? I mean especially when things are still kind of shitty for the people being fought against.
As I've mentioned before, equality is something I've strived for, and women aren't quite there yet. Men are still superior, and as far as I'm concerned always will be until we completely do away with the female hating christian ideologies that the west seems so fond of. Not talking about doing away with christianity, just saying that if we can fuck before marriage and eat bacon, maybe we should admit that slut shaming and belieiving women are inferior and the root of the world's problems are kind of bullshit.
Yes, men have problems. White Men have problems. I suffer with depression, social anxiety, and compared to a lot of white males I have had a relativey shit upbringing. However, I would never become so conceited as to believe I had it worse than a gender where nearly 1 in 5 women have been sexually abused, or have a 30% likelihood of being raped by their parents. When you look at things like that, it's no fucking wonder the courts are more lenient towards them.
Yes, in a perfect world, there would be equality, but guess what - there isn't. There never will be unless you want to have every single person on earth living in the same house, doing the same job and earning the same money. The only thing we can do is try to make things slightly less shitty for those who have it worse. If there is a time when men have it worse than women, I will gladly protest until my heart's content, but until that day, I will grow incensed whenever a white male who has every fucking oppurtunity available to them multiple times complain.
Yes. Men have problems, but the problems of other minorities are kind of more fucked than ours. Yes, we should work at solving these problems, but I don't feel the majoritiy of them are more important than what others face.
The simple fact is that I have seen very little in the way of rationality in the MRMs. The majority of it seems to be blaming the world's problems on women, and while this is an aspect of feminism, I kinda get the feeling that women have a little more right to be pissed at men than the other way around.
I still feel like we shouldn't blame one gender on our problems, as people are people no matter their gender. I am sick of hearing that men are all scum, or that women are all sluts because the reality is the human race are a bunch of selfish cunts the world would probably be better off without - regardless of gender.
I have no idea. I'd have to log back in, it's been a while. I'll probably start a new character tbh.
Firstly, when I said this is shit, it was in agreement with your point, not saying your point was shit. I saw that and laughed out loud at your response.
-No, "successful geeks" are trendy. Big Bang Theory does not represent "normal geeks".
This is true. I mean in high school and social situations they are much more accepted.
Psh. I knew that. I knew you, Jgusw, and possibly Casey would have a problem with this blog, but pixlbit is a place to post opinions and discuss them. What's the point in having individual opinions if there's no debating or learning?
Yeah... seriously, where did he say this?
Exactly. I believe the sane members of both sides should come together and fight for equality, whilst letting the insane ones go to war and kill each other off.
However, I still feel women have more to complain about.