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Jamie Alston's Comments - Page 23

Ridge Racer Revolution Review

Posted on 12/05/2016 at 08:39 AM | Filed Under Review

Yeah, Ridge Racer Type 4 was the pinnacle of the RR series. still is in my opionion. I always enjoy hearing that a later sequel in a series was so well liked that it motivates someone to check out earlier games in the series. I'm just like that too.

Isn't it great when a friend or relative who doesn't play video games often can still recognize a particular series even years later? Gives me the warm and fuzzies.

Episode 102: Level Lords

Posted on 12/02/2016 at 01:31 PM | Filed Under Feature

Chrono Crossing 2002
My pick for 2002 wasn't a hard choice at all. Metroid Prime was without question the best game I had played back then. In the years prior to then, I kept trying to imagine what Metroid would be like if they designed it as a first-person game, but I just couldn't visualize it and assumed it would be impossible to make. But Retro Studios proved me wrong (along with many other concerned fans of the series). Here are my highlights:

- I really appreciated how Retro Studios gave thought to how her suit could funtion beyond just upgrading weapons and her armor. The multiple funtionality of her visor was a genius addition.

-Scanning entries from both the Chozo and Space Pirate logs were a great way to learn about their history, while still advancing the story without a word of spoken dialouge throughout the entire adventure. I especially enjoyed reading the Space Pirate logs because it helped me to see them as much more than just lackies of Mother Brian.

-Music and sound effects (especially when using a function of her power suit) were spot on and fit that style of gameplay perfectly.

-The platforming & exploration elements felt just right. Everything made sense within the context of playing in the first-person view.

-Finally and perhaps most importantly (LOL), the incident on the space station where Samus sustains major damage from an explosion gave a plausible explination as to why she doesn't have the weapons/abilites that she otherwise would have had from her previous mission.

It's as if Retro Studios knew that people like myself have jokingly pondered over the ridiculousness of having to collect some of the same upgrades you technically should already have when its been established that the character had all that stuff already at some point prior in the game's timeline. Just thought it was a nice touch that easily could have been overlooked.


I know there's a bunch of other details I didn't mention (like the even pacing of action vs. exploration), but I'll let one of you comment on whatever I missed.

Overall, best game of 2002 for me.

Help! I'm Becoming a Weeb!

Posted on 11/21/2016 at 07:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

For FF X, I think the voice acting for Tidus was uneven, to say the least. It vacillated between being bearable and at other times downright annoying. I really hated that scene where he taunts the rival Blitzball team on the megaphone.  Ugh.

Although I was completely oblivious to the existence of Chrono Trigger back in the Super NES days, I did catch on to it in 2001 when Final Fantasy Chronicles was released. I've only play Chrono Trigger a total of 2 times (years in between each play), but both times, I've immensely enjoyed playing it. I had never played a game that made me feel nostalgic about something I never experienced back when it was new. I'm planning on playing it again before the month is out.

Random update 11-18-16

Posted on 11/21/2016 at 07:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

You totally should've ask that Gordan Freeman guy about playing Half-Life. I'd like to play 3D Dot Game Heroes. But I already have too many games I haven't even started on teh PS3. In fact, I'm at the point where I seriously doubt I'll even bother buying a PS4 or any new games for quite some time. I gotta get started on my Mt. Backlog.

Episode 101: Switching Things Up

Posted on 11/21/2016 at 07:31 AM | Filed Under Feature

I have the original PS2 verison of Ape Escape 2 as well. Only played it once years ago and never finished it. You know, I always thought the main character in the game sounded an awful lot like Ash in Pokemon. Now I know why.

I'm not sure why Sony would have gone through the trouble of re-dubbing voices from new actors this time around. Maybe it was a legal thing. Or just a just stupid-changes-for-no-reason thing.

Episode 101: Switching Things Up

Posted on 11/16/2016 at 12:51 AM | Filed Under Feature

My favorite game of 2003 is hands-down Beyond Good & Evil. A buddy of mine at the local mom & pop video game store recommended I try it out. Initially, I didn't expect much from the game because I didn't remember hearing any real buzz about it. It just kinda appeared one day.

But I was pleasantly surprised upon playing through the game. The soundtrack was great and the story was refreshingly original (from what I can recall anyway). I loved Jade as the main character. She wasn't super sexualized just because. The game had good mixure of action and stealth elements and felt surprisingly believable.

Still waiting on that sequel though.

Random update 11-6-16: Finally something to write about

Posted on 11/07/2016 at 08:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's funny you just got the Lego Marvel Avengers game. Last week, I just got Lego Star Wars Complete Saga and the Force Awakens for my PS3. I had the Complete Saga previously on my Xbox 360 back in 2008, but the system crapped out on me before I could get around to playing it. I left my Xbox 360 games behind when I moved out and got married, but my sister got another 360 console and finished the Star Wars games.

As she was asking me questions about the game, I decided it hight time I got my act together and just purchased the PS3 version for myself. Figured I might as well get The Force Awakens too since I've seen the movie so many times. I'm looking forward to starting the Complete Saga at some point maybe this week or very soon after.

October 2016 Recap

Posted on 11/04/2016 at 02:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I played through Mega Man Legends a couple of months ago. It had been years since I last played it prior to then-- I'm talking around 1999 or so. But this was the first I beat the game without using any cheats. I had no choice, since I'm playing a digital copy from the PS Store.

I just started over a couple of weeks ago. I want to gather the correct items to get the ultimate special weapon. Some sort of laser. I vaugely remember it from back in the day, but I had used the Game Shark cheats to acquire everything, so I didn't really earn it.

What's With All the Sonic Hate?

Posted on 10/20/2016 at 09:08 PM | Filed Under Feature

Really enjoyed reading this. As many have commented, I think part of the Sonic hate is merely a reaction to the mega Sonic fans that maybe pushed a little too hard to get people to see why it was the "greatest series evaaaar".  LOL.

However, I also think that alot of it involves the realization that, while Sonic was marked as a speedster, many stages after the initial zone in Sonic 1 really weren't designed to let you cut loose and speed through it. If anything, there were too many spikes, chasms, and enemies to really floor it in later stages. I think since very few of us as kids (if any) really noticed it back the 90's, perhaps now that we've gotten older, an increasing number may see the game merely as an adverage platformer when you take away the speed aspect of it. That's just my theory anyway.

Personally, I loved both the Sonic and Mario series back in the day.  Sonice the Hedgehog was THE game that made me aware of the Genesis system. I think it was great for its time. Admittedly, I also had to admit to myself that the game isn't nearly as speedy as I remembered it. But realistically, every game is going to show its age if you give it enough time. That just how it is. I feel no need to bash it because the haters have become more vocal.

Nintendo Reveals New System, Switch

Posted on 10/20/2016 at 05:11 PM | Filed Under Feature

I can dig it. I like where Nintendo is going with this. Looks like it could be practical. All they have to do is make eShop cross-purchasing a reality and I'll be sold on it!

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