I agree, equality and shit. But don't be nice to Ben, he's a cunt :p
I get as incensed about the shit that feminists post sometimes as well, especially when they deny any semblance of logic. That is the most annoying thing.
I agree, equality and shit. But don't be nice to Ben, he's a cunt :p
I get as incensed about the shit that feminists post sometimes as well, especially when they deny any semblance of logic. That is the most annoying thing.
-Circumsized at birth
Only 55 percent. Slightly over half. Is it really that bad? It's kind of a hygeine thing.
-Expected to toil and labor without complaint. (Whining is for pussies)/Expected to be "bread winners" and "providers".
Not anymore. Stay at home dad's are more valued these days, especially since women are more inclined to be career orientated.
-Considered desposable in times of war.
Women can now join the army. They are also disposable.
-Often insulted for being "Betas".
That used to be in, but now the trend is to be sensative to emotional disorders, and geek is in. Seriously, watch 21 Jump Street. Not only is it hilarious, but it shows the change in values in popular culture from the 80's to today.
-Often stuck paying alimony after a divorce.
This is pretty shit.
-Often considered "guilty before innocent" when allegations of rape or other kinds of sexual harassment are involved.
Again, this system has been abused before, and it is never fair to condemn before proof is presented.
-Are considered "CIS scum". (Yes,that's a term in social justice these days)
Wtf is CIS?
-Often violentely beat on each other or hurt themselves for the entertainment of the masses.
That's our own stupid fault. You can't blame our stupidity on women.
-Often get harsher sentences when sent to prison
And easier lives in prison... sort of.
-Are laughed at,disbelieved, or belittled if they confess to being raped themselves.
This is bullshit. That feminist group who killed the dog owned by the woman who started rape shelters for women because she had the nerve to build one for men.
Yes, there are some valid problems here, but most of them aren't even problems comparitively.
"And if I'm to be honest I think people asking each other to "check privilege" divides us and accentuates why we are different more than it reminds us why we're alike and how we should stick together. Sadly radical leftism contributes to racism and discrimination in its' own special way."
I wholly agree with this and have for most of my life. Society isn't quite there yet, because we aren't all equal, so it feels it has to downgrade goups in power rather than upgrade minorities, trying to take words and opinions away from certain people to try to in some way bring them down to their level.
I also believe that the vast majority of those in MRA groups are nazis.
Yes, but I feel like in this context it's like starting a group for white people because we're not allowed to say the 'n' word.
You'll come out and defend the most priveleged people on earth? Seriously, yes, we have problems, but they are fucking nothing compared to what women have and still do face. Go to a country outside America and your view will change pretty fucking quickly.
Yes, they get to keep the kids in most cases. That is bullshit. There is bullshit on both sides but I really doubt anyone can say men have it worse unless they're fucking braindead.
And yes, you are trying to argue. That is what you are doing, and you're entitled to do that, and I enjoy our discussions. My counter argument is not meant to be mean spirited.
Ben. I admitted that. There are a lot of Feminists who should just fucking die. I said that there were many that go over the top. That's not the majority though. No men's rights activists sites I've been to even discussed men's problems for the most part, it was just bitching about women.
I don't know anyone who drinks Fosters. We mostly drink Toohey's, Carlton, or Carona's.
And indeed, I did enjoy that meme.
Oh, and congrats on your plus 10 article :D
We all go through phases like this. Glad you found something to break it :)
Firstly this fool knows nothing. There are two reasons it's called a pussy, and one of them is due to the fact that it cleans itself. Dick's have the possibility of being far less hygenic than than vaginas, especially if uncircumcised. Indeed, as (TMI WARNING INCOMING) an uncircumcised male dating someone who is studying pharmacy, I know all about proper cleaning methods, and let me tell you, I doubt ANY male has an entirely clean cock at any given time. They may have vaginal juices and blood flow, but we have dick cheese, penis lumps and pimples, and other various conditions that make the penis as offputting as the female alternative.
Slut shaming is somethig I'm very against, and I feel like it continues in America more because of outdated christian values. Both sexes enjoy intercourse, so why do we bully one for it and congratulate the other. And don't say "for women its easy." Sure, it is for attractive women, but ugly women get the same treatment as ugly men, so that argument is wrong.
I know the feeling. I get bburnt out on genres all the time. I can't play strategy games or RPGs at the moment :/
Ah well. I'd say Gears 3 is the best in the series... although I do like the challenge of 1. Except getting past the beserker in single player is impossible...