I went and preorder this today, im still gettng my ps4,lol I refuse to give up my preorder, everyone else can but I wont! This is being paid off with my bday money for the most part.
I went and preorder this today, im still gettng my ps4,lol I refuse to give up my preorder, everyone else can but I wont! This is being paid off with my bday money for the most part.
I understand, for yall there isnt much for them to offer to play. Hopefully in time they release something to convince yall.
Yes, yes you must!!!!
My only way of swinging this is because my birthday is 10 days before its release. I got very very lucky in that part of it since my bday money is whats gonna help it get paid off. Im having to watch my money too for the next few crazy months.
Its been a tempting offer for me for forever, I had one previously and loved it! Im exciting to have one again ^_^
I personally like that there releasing old titles on the new hardware. Some of them are difficult to find to begin with to buy. It all of course changes person to person.
You have to remember, not all kids can use the 3d. They encourge only 7 and up to have it on and dont forget adults will buy this. I do not care one bit for 3d. If I didnt have my current 3ds I would buy the 2ds. This is an option for people who do not want 3d or kids who shouldnt have it. It isnt that bad of an idea. The design might look bleh but its a solid idea if you think of it that way.
It might not look the best but this is a great idea. If I didnt already have my 3ds xl I would prolly buy this. I never use my 3d feature so it would work for me. Stil gonna keep my 3ds though,I Iike it good enough,lol.
Im still planning to get this but im holding off until all the smoke clears. Im hopeing in the coming weeks things calm down and everything gets fixed.
itwas kind of fun, atleast with MS and Sony themselves lashing at each other but now its just become ridcilous. Its hard to comment or say anything on some sites without someone trying to start a fight with you. I just wish it would end,lol!